
We are couple from uk adopting a child from india, after adoption can we move to USA.?

by  |  earlier

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Can we ask the local council and request them to do the routine check after the doption in USA. Is it possible by any chance




  1. nice choice ;)

    you'll have a s**y family ;)

  2. Once the adoption is final there is no difference between a bio child and an adopted child. I'm not sure if you finalize in India or the UK, and how long that takes. But once it is done you can move where you like.

    My daughter was adopted in the US, and has been with us since birth. However in california the child must be with you for six months before you can finalize, and then there are court dates etc. We finalized when she was 8 mo old. We are now living in India.  There is nothing different about this than if she were our bio child, except that we had to wait until after she was 8 mo old.

  3. Sure!  Once the adoption is finalized, it's no different than if you and your biological children were coming to the USA.  Same visa/immigration requirements apply.

    ETA: I'm not sure what the citizenship requirements are for international adoptees in the UK, but it would probabaly make the bureaucratic process easier if your child had the same citizenship as you.

  4. It is extremely difficult for UK citizens to get the relevant immigration visas to enter the USA.  They even operate a 'lottery' system for this so it's often the luck of the draw

  5. Why??? India is your country,,are you ashamed of it??

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