
We are getting are first guinea pig but do not know if we should be two so they have buddies, whats better?

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We are buying are first guinea pig but we do not know what would be better for the gunea pig, are they ok with just the one or is it better to buy two so they have a buddy?




  1. Ignore Blake H, he got a thumbs down from me, guinea pigs aren't horrible pets. Ok so they aren't the most hands on interesting pets but I love to watch mine rooting about and hiding in tunnels etc. I have two and they are very happy together, squeaking little conversations at each other. :-)

    If you want a confident, hands on pet, get a rabbit.

  2. If you buy two make sure their the same s*x, other wise you will end up with more than you can handle. By the way their very messy. Require a lot of attention.

  3. Definitely two, they are very social animals and do best in pairs.  It really doesn't matter if it is a female pair or a male pair.  It is a complete myth that male guinea pigs do not get along, or else I've been completely wrong the past 8  years with my bonded males.

    Just a few little thoughts and some information.  Please consider adopting instead of buying from a pet store.  There are many healthy, wonderful guinea pigs looking for homes in shelters.  Pet stores usually carry animals that either come from mills (just like puppy mills) or back yard breeders that frequently keep the animals in horrible conditions.  If you adopt then you are saving a life.

    Since these are your first pigs you should really look over this care guide first.  It will tell you all about proper feeding, housing, and just general information.

    Also, really don't waste your money on a pet store cage.  They are tiny and don't give the pigs enough room to run around.  People often say that guinea pigs are boring, but that's because they don't have enough room to move!  In a big cage my guinea pigs like to run laps and popcorn all over the place.  Plus, a C&C cage is less expensive than a pet store cage, way bigger, easy to clean, and easy to build.

    Sorry for the lecture, but this is all information that I really wish I had known about before I got my first guinea pig.  He had a much happier life after I found all of this out.

  4. its always better to have a friend ya i think you should get two. just make sure they get they wont fight.but it would be better so the one guinea pig isn't depressed.

  5. Guineas are deffinatly social however males tend to fight when they get older. If you wanted only 1 guinea then opt for a male but if you would perfer more than one go for females x

  6. Its better to have two really. Guinea pigs love company so, unless you are going to spend alot of time handling your guinea pig, you really should decide to get two. The best option is to choose two females. Some males do not accept each other, unless they are kept together from a very early age.

    I had two guinea pigs, who have sadly died now, they really are lovely pets and easy to look after!  

    Hope i helped and happy guinea pig hunting :-)

  7. Guinea pigs are social creatures.  They'll get depressed so get them a little playmate.

  8. I had one, and she was just fine by herself. However, we bought another, and she liked having a companion. When the first one died, the second one quit eating and died soon after. My problem was that the first one was about a year older than the second. You may have better luck getting two at the same age.

  9. A guinea pig  wouldn't be happy or thrive if alone.

    Best is two females who will become accustomed to each other even if not related or similar age.

    good luck

  10. guinea pigs are horrible pets..i would reccomend a ferret much better

  11. Guinea pigs are very social little animals & do enjoy company. It is best to get two. They can get depressed very easily. Just make sure you get 2 of the same s*x: 2 females or 2 males, they both get along.

    Also, if you check into a local shelter, I'm sure they have a guinea pig or pair that are probably more friendly than a petstore piggy.

    Good luck with your new piggy/ies, they are wonderful pets!!


    PS: if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or join my Y! group for guinea pigs:

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