
We are getting ready to try for baby #2 next month.....?

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I am still over weight from my 1st pregnancy (I gained 65+ pounds). It has been really hard for me to lose the weight. My Doctor told us we should start trying to conceive sooner then later because of fertility issues. I had signs of preeclampsia/hypertension with my first baby and am really worried because of my weight issues and how it will effect my p regnancy again. Would you wait a little longer to try to conceive in hopes of losing more weight or take your dr.'s advice and start trying now? My dr. said i may or may not get the same signs of preeclampcia again. I am taking my vitamins and eating healthy and exercising....thanks for y our advice!!!!




  1. Start trying now and just try really hard to eat right and exercise regularly.  Good luck and baby dust!

  2. i would say go ahead and take your dr advice, but really watch what you eat and just make sure when you are pregnant you eat healthy, you should be able to still be pregnant and maintain or loose some weight in a healthy manner.. but they will watch you close. I would rather see you do it now, then never be able to.. good luck..

  3. Try now or next month. you can work out when your pregnant you just can't do certin things, plus you can really work out after you have another baby and lose the weight

  4. yes it is hard to decide. if you get pregnant and you are still overweight, you might have some difficulty in your pregnancy

    and your baby will have a high chance to be overweight.

    in the other hand i'm afraid you can't conceive if you wait.

    see if you can speak to women who were in the same boat, hopefully you'll get their answers on yahoo.

    good luck

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