
We are going on a long trip and thinking of letting the little one not sit in a car seat, should we let him?

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we r going 2 WV and want the little one(4) 2 not ride in a car seat but in a normal seat.




  1. WHY?!  Use a carseat, period.

  2. Are you crazy? I have a child so I know it sucks for them to be in their seat for a long time but you should think about the "what ifs". I would never let my daughter get out of her car seat. You just have to stop and take breaks and let them out or travel at night while the child is sleeping. I have serious issues with people not making their kids ride in a carseat. It's so dangerous and it's the parents responsibility to ensure that childs safety. The child doesnt understand the consequences of being out of that seat in an accident.

  3. Keep your child in the car seat. It doesn't matter how far you go and where you drive (city, highway, etc).

    I am a member of the voluntary fire brigade in my hometown and believe me ....  you don't want to see what it looks like after a accident and the child was not correctly secured in the car seat.

    Seatbelts and child-safety-seats DO SAVE LIVES, but only if CORRECTLY WORN!

  4. I disagree that your chances of getting caught are slim.  There are plenty of concerned drivers that would call 911 if they saw a child improperly restrained.  

    You know the answer to your question, I urge you to follow your brain & properly restrain your most precious cargo.

  5. Put him in a properly secured car seat because if something happens and he gets hurt or worse you will have to live with it the rest of your life.

  6. Honestly why would you put your child at risk, child car restraints are designed to prevent death and injuries, and to not put your child into one is asking for trouble, not to mention it is illegal to not put your child into a approved child restraint.

    While you maybe a safe driver there are plenty of idiots who are not, so don't risk the well being of your little one.

    Make sure you have a few toys for the little one to play with, and have plenty of stops to let him/her have a run/play to overcome boardom.

    Enjoy your holiday and may it be a safe trip for you, and your family.

  7. Unless your child meets the weight requirement, because he/she doesn't meet the age one--it's ILLEGAL, not to mention NOT SAFE!  I too have small children and take long car trips with them, so I know how frustrating it can be for them, not to mention uncomfortable.  But it only takes a second for something to happen (car accident) and then where will you be when they are injured or worse dead because you didn't have them properly restrained.  I recommend making frequent stops if they get bored and need to stretch their legs.  Please use your head and have a SAFE TRIP and a FUN ONE!

  8. Guess Mom and Dad raised me and I never sat in a car seat one time. did I survive???!!!??? It's your what you want. You'll be violating laws but your chances of getting caught are pretty slim.

  9. not a good idea put the little one in a seat. this is the way to keep them around in case of a car accident. I hope you will not have an accident, but if you do you should all be buckled up, this way you will save lives and continue to Love, grow,and be happy of Life. We only get one go around on the planet so insure your little one will be here for a long time. Give them the love they need to live forever. Buckle Up Please. God bless you all, and have a safe and happy trip,and holiday season.

  10. it depends on how old he is and what his height is

    if hes a toddeler please sit him on his carseat!

    because if you crash that baby is gonna fly out of the front window belive me! ive seen it happen!

  11. my son is 6 and still sits in a booster, I believe the law is now like 8 or something, besides that what if something happened. you would have to live with that for the rest of your life.

  12. Motor vehicle crashes are the #1 killer of children from ages 1 to 14.  

    About 50% of these deaths to children under 5 involved children that were unrestrained.  

    Of those that were restrained, misuse is reported in 80-95% of cases.  

    Injuries requiring hospitalization are even more common, and many involve the head, neck and spine.  

    Some of these injuries are permanent.  

    Child restraints are VERY effective for reducing deaths and injuries.

  13. You should always keep your little one in a car seat. You never know what could happen and you are going on a long road trip. It is better to be safe than sorry.

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