
We are going to a six flags trip tomorrow but i came down with an ear infection! Help!?

by Guest67141  |  earlier

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We Have Been Planning this trip all year for our birthdays and i dont want to let my family down! I Am 11 Years Old!!




  1. go to the doctor

  2. get some ear drops and when u go to the water park or any where els wear a cotten ball or half a cotten ball what ever is comfortable 4 u just b sure to keep it covered so nuthin gets worse k

    Good Luck hope u get to go

  3. go 2 a doctor

  4. OMG!!!!! i was just there like about 5 days ago and if you go you wont regret it!!!! You'll have a blast!!! I would say suck it up i know u wont regret it.... Where is this six flags? Im not sure if im talking about the same one.

    im talking about six flags in denver colorado- now named elitch gardens.

  5. go to the doctor/emergency room, and let a doctor look at it.  he can probally give you some antibiotics/drops, and as long as you stay out of the water, you'll probally be fine!!!

  6. These things happen. If your doctor advices something, do that. Dont do what you feel is right. Thats why a doctor studies 20+ years. Would you like to loose hearing on an ear over a trip to six flags?

  7. ear drops work very well or you should go to the doctor hope you get well.


  9. First of all, get plenty of rest today. Take some medivine for an ear infection. Just rest and try to get better. When tomorrow rolls by, even if your not feeling well, bring the medicine. Try to ride the rides. I hope you feel better!

  10. im 11 too!

    ear drops?

    clean them?

  11. I'd have that be up to your doctor definetly!

    Ask him or her if it's safe for you to go.

    I know you really wanna go but if he says no, I'd stay home.

    If not, just listen to your own body.

  12. I would advise you not to go, because when you go up in a rollar will hurt your ears very badly!! and it could possibley burn out your ear drum (make you go delf)

    i'm extremly sorry!!!!!!!!!1

    you can always go another day when your better!


  13. ear drops!!!!!!!!

  14. ear drops, pain relievers made for them, etc.  bring them with you to six flags if your not better by tomorrow.  its not worth missing haha feel better

  15. ear drops and doctor

  16. dont worry about it just but a smal ear plugg that  is not too noticable and get wet just dont worry about it many people use that becaus ethey worry they could get. an infection but to protect your ear you can do that

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