
We are going to be in Netherlands and France. Spring/2009

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We are bringing our 4 year old and 2 1/2 year old. Are they going to be completely bored, or are there things that they can do there? Are people going to be completely annoyed by our kids/strollers in the museums and other places, or is it pretty common?




  1. I would not take them to Amsterdam if you are going to the Netherlandsd.  I've never seen such crowded streets, and there is p**n in every store and marijuana is legally somked in the cafes.  T here is nothing there for small children.  I can't say for the rest of Netherlands however,

    In France if you are going to Paris, spend a day at Eoro Disney, they'll have a blast.  There are lots of places that can be enjoyed by the kids and parents,  Strollers aren't that common in the museums, and yes I would guess they wuld be very bored there.

  2. To be honest I am still a bit gobsmacked by one of the answers - I really wish people would not answer questions if they know little or nothing (and then base answers on ignorant assumptions!)

    Anyway, Amsterdam is not a pit of inequity.  Marijuana is not legal in Amsterdam or the Netherlands, and you don't need to even encounter a "coffee shop" unless you want (and under 18's are not allowed on the premisis anyway).  Normal cafe's & restaurants do not accept smoking of marijuana, and also tobacco smoking has also been banned since 01/Jul this year

    p**n is not in every store - this is laughable!  There are so many shops in Amsterdam - something for everyone, but anyway this is not so much fun for kids.  However there is loads that they can do in Amsterdam including museums

    Rather than going through them all one-by-one, a good link I found some time ago for kids activities in Amsterdam (and also if you go back one page for the whole Netherlands

    There is also a section for France

    I'm a mum of 2 kids (2 years & 7 months) and live just outside Amsterdam so know it well

    So don't be put off by the negative comments.  Kids love new things and travel - providing them with new experience is so much more beneficial than plonking them in front of daytime tv (which I think at least one of the answerer's so far is basing her opinions on)

    Regarding travel, Amsterdam is full of kids of all ages, so don't be worried about that.  If you are going by public transport then kids under 4 travel for free.  One tip - if you bring a stroller and want to travel by tram, make sure it collapses quickly and easily as trams can get very busy so this is necessary

    It is busy in the summertime on the streets but you are planning to go Spring 2009 which is a lot quieter and nicer for kids

    Anyway, have a lovely trip with the kids, and enjoy your holiday

    @ Christine - you could at least read what I put.  I LIVE next to Amsterdam and visit at least once a week, which I guess gives me the edge of having "been there a couple of times!" Marijuana is not legal (I do know the laws of my country!), it is tolerated under certain conditions of sales (as research is clearly not your forte I will even provide a link for you;...

    I did not say it was not smoked.  I said it was not legal and smoked in "coffeeshops" which are there for that purpose, but not regular cafe's & restaurants.

    If you mean that there may be (gasp) a picture of a topless woman on a pack of cards or something in a minority of souvenir shops (but certainly not the majority or "all", then yes.... that's not my definition of p**n! (nipple-gate anyone!).

    As I said, first-hand experience beats ignorance anytime.  I will leave it to the asker to make her own opinion after seeing for herself that Amsterdam is a great city - history, culture, art, shopping, good people and kids activities aplenty........ and not a pit of drugs and pornography as you incorrectly portray!

  3. Although Netherlands is very nice when I was there last year I found Amsterdam wasn't a great place for young kids.  The streets are extremely busy and pushing a stroller through was very difficult.  Also the atmosphere isn't great for kids

    Good luck

    It was also busy in Paris, but once you go outside Paris it's not too bad.  I would suggest the kids be taken through some of the museums, not fun for them and you'll be stressed trying to keep them quiet.

  4. Museums and kids are mixing just as smoothly and nicely as fire and oil. You'd better make sure that you have either games to distract them or do not plan for long museum visits.

    In France kids are tolerated everywhere as long as they are not too noisy and unruly. Younger kids are given more slack of course but it is still a country where children are expected to learn discipline early. Strollers are just part and parcel of life, most if not all museums accept them and if you don't have a huge Humvee style stroller taking too much room you won't draw a glance in the streets of France.

  5. Its been a very long time since my daughter was that young but it seems to me that its going to be difficult with children this young to have a trip which will both be worthwhile to you as parents and also maintain the interest of the children.

    Of course there are many things in Paris to entertain the children but I seem to recall that my daughter's attention span did not encompass several hours of art museum viewing at a time at age 4.

    With children there is no striking a balance. They are either entertained or they are bored and cranky and the fact that you have spent a great deal of time entertaining them will not cause them to cut you any slack when you want to pursue more intellectual sightseeing.

    Frankly, I don't really see all that many very small chuildren in musuems but, assuming they are quiet and well behaved, I can't see anyone objecting.

    On the other hand, if they are given to being noisy it would be simply wrong to impose them on people who have not the slightest obligation to tolerate the disturbance of their  quiet contemplation of art.

    EDIT:Cabal brings up an excellant point. Children in France are socialized somewhat differently than children in the USA and the UK.

    The French system includes government Ecoles Maternelle for children as young as age three and some even start earlier at age 2 in pré-maternelle classes, which are essentially daycare centres.

    Children therefore learn the need to control themselves and behave properly in group situations quite early in life.

    EDIT2: I think the disagreement between Christine and Blah blah about Amsterdamn is a matter of perception. While it is true that it is technically illegal to smoke marijuana there is an official stated policy of toleration and so people do, in fact, smoke marijuana in public or semi-public places. It is not true that this occurs in every cafe however and is generally confined to the "coffehouses" in which the drug is openly sold.

    As to pornography, I suspect that things that might seem like harmless or only slighty naughty displays of skin to one person can be deemed pornographic by another.

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