
We are just friends but... someone help?

by  |  earlier

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so there is this one guy and and were just friends but the more hang out with him the more i like him. its strange b/c i have had my crushes and bf b4, but this feels so different i fell like we were meant to be together. i just don't get it. me and him have things in common and we get long great. i did tell him that i like him but he never said any thing to my face about it but he talked behind my back to my friends about how he don't like me. and when we hangout he'll avoid me but i catch him staring at me. and when were alone he'll look at me like he wants to tell me something but well end up just walking away. when were out parting he flirts with me like crazy.

i just feel like if he just gave me the chance we both would be happy.

i would be better then his last two girlfriends the one cheated on him and the other basically fall of the face of the earth. she never answered the phone when he called.

i just don't know what to do should i try to talk to him about it or just let it go and if he dose like me he'll come get me?




  1. just leave it, if he likes you he will come to you because he knows that you like him. he might just think it is a shame that you like him so flirt with you at parties or you just might think that he does but he doesnt.

  2. Ok, so why don't you tell him how you feel, without putting everything out all at once. Start off by saying how you like him, but as more than friends, and see if he would be interested in being more than friends. You really cant go into just dating, because you kind of already do that now.

    Unless you try or at least make an attempt, you'll never know if you were meant to be for real or not. And what's the worst that can happen? You stay friends forever.

    Go ahead and give it a shot. In a successful relationship, you do have to start out as friends until once you get to know each other.  

  3. Right now it just sounds like he's your best friend and just being a guy.  Don't try to push a relationship on him because you might end up pushing him away.  If at some point he's interested in more he'll let you know.

  4. he just considers you as a friend as of now....but you never know. keep trying!

  5. since you are not sure if he likes you or not

    wait for him

    he knows you like him, so if he does, he will come and get you

    just let things happen

    go wiht the flow  

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