
We are looking for a good pre-school for our 3 year old in and around Plano, TX. Any suggestions? Thanks?

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We are looking for a good pre-school for our 3 year old in and around Plano, TX. Any suggestions? Thanks?




  1. I live in Nevada but I can tell you one of the Best Pre-Schools if you can afford it is Montesori Schools.

    Look it up online and read about it.

    Maria Montesori I believe was the founder.

    Both my sons when there and it really helps them with their future education as it develops the mind at an early age. Instead of sitting around all day and playing the kids work with puzzles and other educational toys that develope the brain and make connections that last.

    Please check it out. My sons now are brillant and I atribute some of it to their early, lay-back form of education.

  2. Frisco Montessori

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