
We are looking for expectant mother of an unwanted pregnacy, anyone know anyone?

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We are parents of four boys 16,15, and twins that are 12. We have a four bedroom 1.5bath brick home in a medium size town 5a school. We have a large yard with a privacy fence(Lots of room to play). We love animals and are a christian home. We support tradional values and are willing for an open adoption.

Children already born are an option.




  1. If children who already do exist are an option, then you should really contact your local social services office and start the adoption process with them.  It is easier than going through a private agency or person and cheaper.  You'd be amazed at how easy it is to adopt through the county especially if you would be willing to take an older child.  

    And, though you claim that an open adoption would be alright with you, A LOT of adoptive parents change their mind after the adoption is completed.  And, since you've already taken possession of the child at that point, you can s***w the birthmother if you really wanted to.  The laws governing adoption undeniably cater to the adoptive parents which usually dictates that the Mother gets screwed in the end no matter what the agreement was.  

    The best advice is to go through the county.  There are currently over 625,000 children, ALREADY HERE, in need of a home in the US.  The system will literally bend over backwards to help you take one off of their hands.  Single people, g*y people, large families, even foreign nationals can adopt.  Go through the county, it would be best for everyone.



  2. I agree with the others who have answered that you probably will need to go through an agency or an adoption attorney.  Most women who have surprise pregnancies these days keep their babies.  Let's face it - isn't it natural to WANT your baby who is growing inside of you?   So usually agencies and adoption attorneys spend a lot of money to find pregnant women and recruit them for adoption.  Once they do recruit them, the expectant parents choose the terms and conditions of the adoption (while hoping and praying that the adoptive parents will honor the conditions after the adoption is finalized).

    You will also need to have a home study done before you can adopt a child (in most states anyway).

    So, I am saying that it is not very easy to find a woman who doesn't want her baby and once you do there are a lot of other issues that must be considered to legally adopt.

  3. Yep, scammer love people like you. Do you really think this is a proper forum to pursue the adoption of a child? I would think there are better avenues to take to adopt a baby. Answers is not the place. Watch out for con-men, ahem, or woman that will try to take advantage of you..

  4. You already have a lot of kids, why do you want to take someone else's??

    Adoption is traumatic for babies, its best for them to stay with their biological mother.

  5. Not to be mean but you are looking to get scammed.

  6. I am going to say that it sounds like you would be a great candidate to adoption from foster care. Foster care adoptions are most often cheaper, and you already have a lot of parenting experience to offer a child.

    PLEASE do not try to talk to an expectant mother directly. Before a woman even thinks about placing a child for adoption, she needs to be counselled about available resources that would help her keep her child, NOT encouraged to be scared about her parenting ability and fulfill a perspective adoptive parents dreams of parenting another child.

    Really, the ideal is that she will be able to make it work and keep her family in tact. IF you interject with your wishes for a child, and show her how much you have in comparison with what she has financially, it is coersion even if you don't mean for it to be.

    Please consider adopting a child that really needs a home from foster care.

  7. I'm in same situation

    I dont think i can get pregnant though :(

    i've been trying for 3 years so i'm guessing we'll have to go further into treatment or adopt

    Good luck to you!

  8. I think this is pretty crass.

    Go and talk to adoption agencies rather than advertising yourselves here.

    You are thinking of adopting a child - not a dog.

    Children need love - not 'large yard with privacy fence'.

    The foster care system is overflowing with children really NEEDING loving homes.

    Please stop trolling for babies here.


  9. You should contact either an adoption agency or your local social service department.  They can probably point you in the right direction because you cannot just say ok I want to adopt a baby now, there are steps.  You have to have a homestudy, there are tons of legalities, etc... Not to mention that it is extremely expensive.  You should contact an attorney.

  10. I don't know anyone in the situation to help you, but you may consider talking to a priest/minister at your church and letting them know that you're looking.  Sometimes teens will go to a church to talk to someone or to get help.  You also might want to see if you can put a posting up at your local pregnancy refuge center or planned parenthood.  You may find a pregnant teenager that you could talk to about adoption if that is what they are considering.

    Good luck!


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