
We are looking int adopting internationally and have a few questions...?

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My husband and I have always agreed to adopt a baby internationally. We have always wanted to do this after we are through having our own kids. Which now we are. We are looking into it now, although we won't be ready for another 3-5 years. How long does an international adoption usually take? How much does it cost in legal fees and other fees? I am just preparing my self. Thanks for any reply! :)




  1. Hi there, I am an adoptive mom of a gorgeous 3 year old girl from China and we simply couldn't imagine our lives without her.

    There will always be children around the world that need homes, but it is not a decision that should be made lightly. You need to do your research about the country and the  culture and the language, because all of that is going to be very important to your child as they grow. You also have to keep in mind that many of the children will be  developmentally delayed due to being institutionalized with too few caretakers and could have attachment issues. However, if you put in the work and are determined to be the parent that THEY need, then it will be very rewarding.

    You should contact international adoption agencies in your area as timelines and fees vary by country. If you were to begin the process for China today, you would be looking at 5+ years as there is a 30,000+ backlog right now.

    Good luck with your decision!!!

  2. I have three internationally adopted children.  One was adopted as a healthy infant, and two as older, special-needs children.  

    The system of international adoption of healthy babies has become very corrupt over the last few years.  People in other countries have realized that babies are a "valuable commodity" and there is a great deal of trafficking and baby-selling in several nations, including Guatemala and Vietnam.

    Since you will already have had the extreme pleasure and fulfillment of raising your biological children from day one, may I politely suggest that you consider adopting an older or special needs child when you are ready to adopt internationally?   The children who fall into this category are usually legitimate "orphans" who have truly been abandoned, not sold.   They are the ones who would most benefit from being adopted, because here in the U.S. the appropriate medical treatments and therapies could be provided that will enable them to reach their fullest potential.

    Only you can say what is right for your family;  but please give this consideration when you are ready to adopt.

  3. It varies by country.  There are some countries where you could have a child home within the same timeframe of a pregnancy, and there are others where the process is taking years.

    The costs vary as well-from $15,-25,000 give or take.

    Starting your research ahead of time is a good idea!

    It is our hope to adopt from China.  That program is currently taking approximately three years, and costing around $20,000.

    I wish you the best!

  4. I would suggest not bothering with IA because hopefully in 3-5 yrs. it will be banned.

    I would suggest joining a church and asking a loving couple to give up one of their children. They are the most compassionate people and I can see them doing this for a deserving member of their fellowship.

  5. As long as there are children around the world that need loving families, and the domestic adoption system is so riddled in legality, there will always be international adoptions.

    As for direct cost, it will vary very widely from adoption agency to agency, country to country, and how fast or long you want to take.

    Just from personal experience, we went with an agency in west coast.  The agency fee in total was about $5000.  The international program, which involved foster care of our child, while the paperwork were being completed, was $12,000.  The other legal paperwork (gov't, legal, etc.) was about another $2000.  The homestudy with a social worker was another $1200.  It adds up very fast after awhile...

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