
We are moving im worryed about my kindergardener and switching schools.?

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my son has attened pre-k and kindergarden at a small school with 18 kids in the bigest class. now we will be moving in two weeks to a school that has 52 kindergardeners. How do i make the last half of the year and the transhion seem easer to him.




  1. It will be tough for the little guy. Don't say anything to him about being scared.  Just tell him how lucky he is to have a new school with lots more kids to play with. Meet his teacher before he starts. ask your teacher if you can volunteer in his class on his third day, not his first. He will expect you there on the next. On the third day you will be able to see how he is adjusting and how the other children are adjusting with him. It will make you feel at ease knowing he's OK. They can handle things better then we think. It's harder on us parents for sure.

  2. I went through this w/ my older son. He was in Pre-K at the time. When we moved from one city to another we worried about my son's transition to a new school. What I did was I let him get used to being around the new kids at his new school for the first few days. Then I'd show up for lunch and spend some time w/ him. I let him choose if he wanted mom around him so much. My son of course loves for me to be around him, but when he is in school he wants to be around his friends. He mad e friends quickly and that helped out a lot. I always asked the teacher how he was handling his new class. He handled the transition a lot better than we thought. Before he started the new school my husband and I talked about school with him. We had him ask us any questions that he needed to be answered. We stayed positive about the new school/the move and continued to say everything would be alright. I know you are worried and I hope everything goes very smoothly for your child when your son starts a new school.

  3. I'd just tell him how lucky he is to be moving into a new home with new friends and good thing he's moving now so he doesnt have to start off a new school year being the new kid on the first day.  Also, if the school offers an after school program, I'd enroll him in that.  It worked for us.  

    Good Luck and God bless

  4. Explain to him that there will be more kids, but that also means more friends for him to make! If you show him how excited you are for this move and for him to go to a big school, then he should do the same. If you are nervous or apprehensive about it, he will be too.

    It's natural for kids to be shy, so expect that the first couple days or weeks of the new school, but just keep focusing on the positive!

    Maybe when you get to your new house, walk him around the neighborhood and maybe he will be able to meet a new kid or two before hand so he already knows someone on his first day.

  5. Kids are pretty adaptable.  Considering his young age it shouldn't be too hard.  Like a previous poster stated play up the good, i.e. you'll be able to make so many new friends.  Don't just plop him in a new situation one day though, explain it to him before hand.  Maybe you could even call the school and make arrangements for him to meet his new teacher and tour the school before he goes, let him play with the toys in the classroom and play on the playground for a bit.

  6. Do they have all those kids in one class?? Probably not so it should be a max. of 20. My daughters school has 8 kindergarten classes, so lots of children but still classes with max. 20 kids.

    Don't worry to much, show him confidence, tell him he will make new friends really fast usually kids do. Go visit his new school with him at the weekend before he actually starts, let him play at the playground if possible so he knows already something about it.

    Go with him at his first day and stay for a while so he can slowly get used to it (make sure you tell him you will leave after an hour or so), join him for lunch (if allowed) to check how he is doing and see some of the other kids.

    so out of ideas, hope I helped.

  7. children that age usually adapt pretty well.  he should have no problem making new friends and fitting right in.

  8. Definitely bring him by the school before his first day to show him around.  Also, if the school has a student directory get yourself a copy so you have the other parents phone numbers to schedule playdates.  Put copies your sons name and phone number in his backpack and a little blurb that you just moved into town etc and that your son is very excited to make some new friends. Ask his teacher to stick a copy in each students backpack.  Invite the moms to call you to set up some playtimes - its a great way for you to meet some new people too.

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