
We are moving to Costa Rica what do I need to Know?

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San Jose costa Rica




  1. How wonderful! I'm studying abroad in Costa Rica right now and I love it.  The people are very nice, especially when you try to speak Spanish with them (they really appreciate the effort and tend to be nicer!).

    The first thing I noticed is that the roads are very dangerous here.  Most are very rough, with huge potholes, but the most dangerous part are the drivers.  Though there are laws, it doesn't seem like it on the roads.  People pass cars on the right when making left turns, go through stop signs, and just narrowly avoid accidents.  Also, pedestrians do not have the right away! Very important to remember!

    Clothes tend to be a little expensive here because they are imported.  However, foods or crafts tend to be cheap.  When at resturants, make sure to read the fine print because often there is a 13% tax fee and another 10% service fee not included on the listed price of the meal.  This can make things add up faster than expected!

    May to November is the rainy season.  You will definitely never want to leave your umbrella behind.  Fortunately it is usually a warm rain.  Many locals complain about the cold, but personally I find the 75 degree weather comfortable.

    Family is very important in Costa Rica, so don't be alarmed when many people live with their parents.  It is common to live at home until you are 30 or married.  Also, the majority are Catholic.

    Many Ticos (that's what Costa Ricans are called) go by Tico Time, which can be frustrating.  Tico Time=late.  It is a relaxed culture and no one is in a hurry.  You will hear the phrase "Pura Vida" a lot, which means "This is living!" or "Life is Good."  Another phrase is "tranquilo", which means "calm down or everything is alright, not a problem" and shows their laidback attitude.

    The best advice I can give is to read the book "Culture Shock! Costa Rica" by Claire Wallerstein.  It is a very accurate, thorough book.  I felt very knowledgeable once I arrived here because I'd already read about things I may encounter.  I hope you love Costa Rica!




    A key eye poor agree jug

    aquí hay pura grilla

    There's only politicians around here

    a key's tatoo one c'm'on eight

    aquí 'sta tu juan camaney

    Your lover is here

    a pest *** all cole

    apestas a alcohol

    You stink like alcohol

    As say toon ***



    Ball add the pay jazz sad us

    bola de payasadas

    Silly stuff

    Be A. has R. when there us

    viejas arguenderas

    Arguing b*****s

    Be A. hope and son

    viejo panzón

    Fat old man

    Be goat tess the ran chair O.

    bigotes de ranchero

    Red neck moustache

    Boy a cool E. R.

    voy a culiar

    I'm going to ****

    Boy a troll E. R.

    voy a troliar

    I'm going to walk

    Boy a Zeus star Allah chick a cone me pin gone

    voy a asustar a la chica con mi pingón

    I will scare the girl with my big d**k

    Boy as N. R.

    voy a cenar

    I'm gonna have dinner

    Cell eye jug, one a what toe

    Celaya, Guanajuato

    A Mexican City

    Come at A. loss Ugh wack cat tess

    cómete los aguacates

    Eat the avocadoes

    Come S. loss tack eat toss

    comes los taquitos

    Eat the little tacos

    Desk can saw


    -You- rest

    Does tack eat toss E. free hall S.

    dos taquitos y frijoles

    Two little tacos and beans

    Eye hall is cone O. tear a hess

    ay Jalisco no te rajes

    Famous Mexican saying

    Kit a tell loss call so nest

    quítate los calzones

    Take off your underpanties

    Kit at tell loss war at chess

    quítate los huaraches

    Take off your sandals

    L. gatt E. tow

    el gatito

    The kitten

    L. who go ran C. O.

    el jugo rancio

    The rotten juice

    Law S. taz Sue ran Dough

    la estás zurrando

    You are ******* it up

    Lost trap eat toss

    los trapitos

    The little rags

    Low *** M. Oz N. two quart toe?

    ¿lo hacemos en tu cuarto?

    Shall we make it in your room?

    Mass car eat a saw grad ah

    Mascarita Sagrada

    Name for famous wrestler in Mexico

    N. L. C. John

    en el sillón

    On the armchair

    No chin guess

    no chingues

    Quit ******* around

    Oh yes smart S.

    hoy es martes

    Today's Tuesday

    Pass a lass all saw

    pasa la salsa

    Pass the sauce

    Pass a lass shell ***

    pasa las chelas

    Pass the beer

    Pooh row ped O.

    puro pedo

    It's all bullshit

    Rascal P. tow

    rasca el pito

    Scratch the d**k

    S. taz B. N. Gore Dough

    estás bien gordo

    You are very fat

    S. taz moo E. bone E. tick a

    estás muy bonitica

    You are very pretty

    S. taz pen the ho'

    estás pendejo

    You are a ******

    S. toy as tall a mad re

    estoy hasta la madre

    I'm fed up

    S. toy so lap ***

    estoy solapas

    I'm all alone

    S. toy tree stone

    estoy tristón

    I'm kind'a sad

    See eye

    sí hay

    yes we have

    Some us loss mass chin gun S.

    somos los más chingones

    We are the best of the best

    T n s free o?

    ¿tienes frío?

    are you cold?

    T. N. S. L. P. P. B. N. T. S. O.

    tienes el pipí bien tieso

    You have a hard one

    Taboo N. O.

    'ta bueno

    It's ok

    Tear egg all O. lass can E. key taz

    te regalo las caniquitas

    I give you the little marbles

    Tell O. boy a in cruise tar

    te lo voy a incrustar

    I'm going to insert it in you

    tell O. lab as

    te lo lavas

    Wash it as in your ***

    Tell O. pro met O.

    te lo prometo

    I promise you

    Ten go sap at toss eat tall E. an Oz

    tengo zapatos italianos

    I have italian shoes

    The head the star mall less stan doe

    deje de estar molestando

    Stop bugging me

    This S. poor as stunt air E. us

    dices puras tonterías

    You're saying dumb things

    Well S. a soap O.

    hueles a sopo

    You smell like sweat

    Web us come ham on

    Huevos con jamón


    Web us come toss see no

    Huevos con tocino


    Web eat us tea be us

    huevitos tibios


    Web us come shore is so

    huevos con chorizo


    Web be toes come free hall lit toes

    huevitos con frijolitos


    Does stack kit toes door add it toes the Paul Joe

    dos taquitos doraditos de pollo


    Does stack kit toes the car neat ***

    dos taquitos de carnitas


    Come chill leap toes hall up pen Joe's

    Con chilitos jalapeños


    Come chill lack kill less

    con chilaquiles


    E free hall lit toes

    y frijolitos


    Train us on six the shell as

    tráenos un six de chelas


    Kiss sea ram most does tea kill as

    quisiéramos dos tequilas


    See Gary eat toes



    Much as grass see as

    muchas gracias

  3. Speaking Spanish would be a major asset.  You are going to move to San Jose???  It is the Capitol, and like big chities around the world it is dangerous.  There are other cities, towns close to San Jose that are much safer and more user friendly.  Moravia for example.  People in San Jose are in a hurry, and it's very hard to make friends there.

    The Colon is currently trading for $1 USD = 517 colonies.

    Transportation is cheap, but is you are going any distance by taxi make a deal.  Most have meters now.  Lots of busses going everywhere.  The food here is very bland and boring.Beans & rice and rice and beans,  then for breakfast you mix the beans and rice, fry it and call it PINTO.

    There are lots of things you can't get here.  Spices for example.  The beer is good and costs about $1.25.  When renting an apt or house know that unfurnished is just that.  No fridge, stove  ect.  NADA.

    Unless you have a very Speciality job that a Tico can't do, you DO NOT have the right to work.  If you are retired on a set income, you can apply for residency.  If not you are a tourist, thus you must leave every 3 months.  You can go to Nicaragua or Panama, or anywhere you want outside of Costa Rica.

    If you have more specific questions feel free to write to me

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