
We are moving to ireland in march, need some help about cost of living!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am a little stuck, i have done my homework but can't seem to find the local irish gas and electricity suppliers, i wanted to know if anyone knows where i can get this information? Also how much housing tax is in ireland. We are moving to longford in southern ireland. Please someone put me out of my misery!!!!!




  1. I'm from Ireland.

    The Irish gas & electricity suppliers are the ESB which stands for the Electic Supply Board.

    For up to date taxs please visit the revenue site below

    Good luck in Ireland!

  2. There are two suppliers for electricity, the ESB and Eirtricity, and ESB supplies homes. They are both national, there are no local electricity suppliers. (Bear in mind that the Republic has a population of just over 4 million.)

    If you want to find out about piped gas, try bord gas, but you can also get the canisters of gas.

    Housing tax? Not sure what you mean by that, unless it's the capital gains tax you pay to the government when you sell a house in Ireland. You will probably have to pay stamp duty, and I think, but I'm not sure, that it's 5% of the total cost. But check on to be sure.

  3. Try Bord Gais for the gas supply. Be warned - Ireland is very, very expensive to live in, as you've probably found out by now. And electricity is supplied by the ESB, as above. I found some other links that might be useful to you below. Good luck with your move, I hope you find Ireland a wonderful place to live.

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