
We are moving to spain in a few months,my partner is a qualified mechanic and is looking for a job?!

by  |  earlier

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any areas in spain considered

if you know of anyody offering jobs that match this,or know any websites that are maybe our saviour!......thanks ........




  1. It is not a good time to come to Spain right now. Unemployment is on the increase. The money supply is drying up. People are cutting back their spending.

    A mechanic's job here in Spain will be a lot less than the UK. He would be lucky to earn 1200€ (£1000) per month in a large town or city.

    As for where to live; that will depend on whether you want to be near other expats or live in a Spanish area. The Torrevieja region is like the UK with sunshine. The Costa del Sol in the Marbella area is much the same but very expensive. The more rural you get the poorer paid they will get.

    The cost of living is cheap and part of that is getting your car serviced. I can get a full service from a main dealer for 250€ (£200). That is one reason a mechanic doesn't get paid a lot.

    If you are coming here with collateral behind you, beware the exchange rate, you could end up with less than you thought. Even overnight it can drop a couple of pence.

    Eventually the economies of Europe will pick up. Then is a better time to be moving here. Perhaps save your money now to give yourselves a better chance of making it here in Spain

  2. What I don't understand is that you say you are moving here in a few months, but then say jobs in any areas considered? What, are you planning just to turn up here and be lead to a place because someone on here said there may be a job?? That is not a very good way to start.

    Life for everyone either in the UK or here in Spain is not very good at the moment prices of things are increasing and jobs are scarce. If your partner is a qualified mechanic, he mat get work in some Brit garage somewhere, but  I doubt very much he will get one in a Spanish garage. Wages are lower than the UK and hours are longer. I have lived here 17 years and this is the worst it has been.

    It may be better to rent a place and get established in an area, then put out feelers there. I hope you speak good Spanish too, because the Eastern Europeans speak several languages usually and they will work for less.

    I don't mean to sound condescending but I've seen it all, and have seen many people come and go. I hope you are tough, and have money to carry you for some months (if not longer). Life is not all milk and honey here. Good luck, you'll need it.

  3. Hi,

    Mechanics are always in demand however you´ll not find the wages being especially high... Normally I would say that he sets up his own garage operation but unless you have the language this isn´t the most practical of solutions.

    Try the site listed for information on the various job sites and legal information on the process of working in Spain. Try the online job sites and that´ll give you an idea of the wages and opportunities.

  4. I'm under the impression that jobs/work is difficult to come by in Spain, these days.  Don't know whether any of these can help you.  I think they might be only for Yanks...but have a go.  Or you could do your own search, you would come up with British agencies...(I'm not even sure the link will connect you, come to think of it, let me know).

    ¡Buena suerte!

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