
We are never gonna make it anywhere in life...?

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I'm so in love with my boyfriend. We've been together 2 years now and things are good between us. He has 2 kids from a previous relationship and pays a lot in child support. We are barely making it by financially now....and Their mother is taking him back to court for more child support. I know she is probably gonna get it b'cuz he makes a lil more now then when the amount was originally determined.

All i've been doing is crying for days because I can't see us making it anywhere in life on his small income...especially if it decreases even more. I'm so torn. I love this man to death and I can't leave him... but I also don't want to settle for a life of struggle. I really think I'm starting to get depressed. I fall asleep at night and wake up an hour or two later and spend the rest of the night crying and not able to sleep.

what to do?




  1. I understand this might be three times more difficult then i can actually imagine, but how come you and your current boyfriend don't sit down with his ex wife and mother of his childeren and explain the difficulties that you and your current boyfriend are going through?

  2. Sucks for you, but I agree with the first answer.  You haven't even tried talking with her and you have already written the idea off.  I guess the ex isn't the only immature person in this scenario.  

    You haven't mentioned if you have a job.  If not then get one and help out a little.  If you have one get a better one.  It seems that the only option you are giving yourself is to bale on this guy.  There are lots of other options.  He could shoot for custody if her "habits" are effecting her child raising abilities.  But I seriously doubt this because you don't even seem to be able to have an adult conversation with her (so how could you possibly even know how she spends the money?).

    Additional Details:

    So you DON'T have a job!  Get one.  And calling young people  who have children "immature" is not an insult.  But you being "immature" I can see how you would take it as such.  

    So, how does it feel knowing that you are going to dump the man you "love to death" over money?  Good luck with that.

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