
We are seriouly trapped in credit card debts!?

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In 2003 and 2006, we spent all available funds from our credit cards because of my unemployment & my wife’s pregnancy. Thereafter, because of credit card debts, we almost were to worry for eating three meals a day. It was like a h**l done by credit cards. We indebted $36000 with 7 credit cards and two loans when we stopped paying credit card bills in 2007. Bill collectors called us almost bihourly and harrassed by talking about a lawsuit or whatever. We were so scared that we moved to Texas to avoid bill collector’s calls/letters. But they still harrass us by letters. What we do is to ignore these letters since we have no ways to pay off our debts now or later unless we win a lotto. In Texas, we live day to day since we can do nothing with our poor credit scores. We’re a kind of a living dead! If they want to kill us, that would be much easier than collecting payment from us. Will we go to jail because of our debts? How long bill collectors will hunt us for debts?




  1. It is illegal for bill collectors to harass you.  I would look for a non profit agency in your area to help you sort out your finances and get you on a repayment plan that you can afford.  There are agencies out there that will help you consolidate your debt, get you a better interest rate, make a repayment plan and take out the stress that you are having now.

  2. I found a huge online list of Texas credit card resources. Try calling a local company and they hopefully answer your questions.

  3. It would not be a bad idea for you to ask a lawyer about filing bankruptcy. They can't put you jail for debt, but they can garnish your wages (taking a % amount out of your paycheck every payday until the debt is payed off).

    If you havn't recently bought a house or car, I'd really suggest looking into filing bankruptcy if you can;t work out a payment plan with them. Try to settle the debt down (suchas dropping the intrest off and slowly making payments back).

    **It is illegal for bill collectors to make threats!!!**

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