
We are sick ALL the time!! help?

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my son went off to school this year, for 1st grade. (i homeschooled last year) and me, my 20month old, and my 8 mo. old are sick like over and over again! now, summer break will be here soon, and we can take a break from illness.. but during the summer will all our immunities go back down and will this happen all over again next year?? im freaking out. im preg, too and cant keep having all this constant illness. its just sooo tiresom on everybody




  1. Disinfect the house as much as you can!  Lysol wipe everything down.  Make sure no one is sharing cups/bottles and that everyone is washing their hands.

  2. This has been a bad year for germs. With your son never attending pre-school or school before he had not built up his immunity to many of the common germs

    I send a bottle of germ x to school with my daughter. LOL

    I also keep one here on my kitchen cabnet and try to get her when she comes in the door.

  3. This will only last for the first year that your child is around other children. I'm assuming they were not in daycare either? Every child, no matter what age, goes thru this. Whether it be at daycare as an infant, or school. It takes about a year to build up immunities.

  4. children that are in a constantly clean environment are prone to becoming ill while in other children's company could it possible be that you have a very clean home?? if so try and ease up on the cleaning it will help them to build up their immune system

  5. it's normal to get sick a lot with little kids in school.  everyone will gradually build up more immunity and it will happen less and less.  in the meantime, have everybody wash their hands often! that's the best thing you can do to stay healthy.  and make sure everyone's eating healthily and getting plenty of rest.

  6. The good news is that your immune system won't "go down" as you put it.  You stay immune to things once you are immune to them.  The bad news is that there is nothing you can do except keep hands washed (regular soap is fine, no need for antibacterial or hand sanitizer) and eat good food.  Kids are germy, but things will get better as they get older.  Also, the younger ones are getting sick now, so they won't get sick as much as they get older because they've already caught everything.  It is tiresome, though, I agree!

  7. Throw out your kitchen sponges.   The kitchen sponge is the single biggest harbor of germs in your house.   Wash dishes in your dishwasher, where the heat of the water will kill any viruses/bacteria on them.  Any that are not dishwasher safe should be washed with something disposable.

    Get new toothbrushes after every illness.  You can reinfect yourself and your kids with the same old viruses and bacteria over and over if you don't replace the toothbrushes after being sick.  A doctor told me this after I had strep throat for the third time.  Even if you're not sick, replace the toothbrushes every couple of months.

    Don't use antibacterial hand soap.  Regular soap is fine, if you scrub for 20-30 seconds with hot water before rinsing.  Antibacterial products kill the "good" bacteria along with the bad, which impedes your immune system.

    Drink plenty of fluids, and stay well hydrated.

    Get plenty of sleep, every night.

  8. Sounds like your immune systems aren't that great.  You can boost them with eating right, getting enough rest, getting enough exercise and eat foods that provide Vitamins C, E and A (antioxidants)

  9. Mabey its from your oldest going to school..Ask you doctor

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