
We are thinking about giving our 75gal tank a spring clean and make over?

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Any hints how best this is done? Take the fish out and put them in a bucket? This was my husband's idea but I don't think the fish would like that very much. Bala sharks would be about 7", plus angels and bristlenose plecos. Or gradually over a weekend so they can adapt to the new cleanliness?




  1. A "spring cleaning" is not a real great idea since you're going to destroy most (if not all) of your beneficial bacteria by removing all the items in your tank and scrubbing them down. This will cause your tank to cycle all over again, and may well kill your fish.

    A make-over is not a bad idea - changing out decorations for new ones, etc. But removal of the filter and substrate to clean the entire tank is definitely not a good plan...

    Angels are fairly delicate, and will probably be the first to keel over when the tank begins to cycle again. The balas and the bristlenose will probably not be far behind them.

    When you want to revamp things in an established tank, it is best to do so one thing at a time, so that your tank can recover.

    Good luck.  

  2. I found this helpful article on cleaning your tank.

  3. I can understand a make over, but you do not want to seriously disturb the filters and substrate. If you do, your tank will loose if beneficial bacteria causing a change in the eco balance and the end result will leave you with dead fish. I wouldn't do anything beyond changing the decorations.

  4. Be VERY CAREFUL!!!! if u do a massive sping clean u have to set your tank up all over again if u dont your fish might die.  

  5. Hi, should relocate your pet fish to a friendly, healthy environment.

    It is always a great idea to save some substrate, live plants and filter media at this stage because they will help to cycle your tank.

    Then, to clean your tank and also preserve the bio-environment for the fish, you should make sure that your 'spring-cleaned' tank is free of ALL fungicides, detergents and everything else you know is bad for your tank... (I am assuming of course you have lots of experience)

    Here is a safe healthy idea to spring clean your tank:

    AND OF COURSE, make sure your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels are 0/0/10-40ppm

    I hope this helped...:)

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