
We are very dependent on Gasoline for commuting. What alternative means could be used to travel independently?

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In todays fast pace world, Commuting from one palce to another independently is a must. But that is totally dependent on Gasoline which leads to powering a Car. This means that Gasoline is one SINGLE POINT OF FAILIER for most of us commutting to our work places.

What could an Individual do to find an alternative means of traveling from one place to another without the use of gasoline and its entities and avoid to pay the ever growing prices, obtaining it?




  1. Rent, "Who Killed the Electric Car?"

  2. Why not have companies provide housing nearby  thus eliminating the need for transport alltogether. It doesn`t hurt if you live and work in the same town. In Toronto Can. at least 60% of the downtown traffic is from out of town. both delivery vehicles , and employees who would rather drive than take public transit from a-b. These are the ones that cause the majority of the problems

  3. Buy an electric or hybrid car.  That is the single best individual short-term alternative.  

    Longer term societal alternative would be building public transit.

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