
We aren't getting anywhere...wouldn't the perfect solution be to establish a "new CSA," per se?

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That way, the Republicans could have their own country while the rest of us could have ours. We wouldn't be held back by the conservatives, and they could oppress their people and strip their rights away as much as their hearts desired. Much more would get done (at least on the liberal side), and everyone would be a little bit happier. The conservatives wouldn't have those d**n homosexuals, tree-huggers, and baby-killers, and the liberals wouldn't have the religious right, diversity haters, and George W. Bush. Everyone wins!

Or, y'know, we could just attend Tolerance 101 and stop b*tching about things that don't personally affect us. Just a thought.




  1. there is a group of christians who call for christians to all move to south carolina and become an independent christian state. I say let them do it

  2. I will honestly never understand your thorough hatred of our government and your self imposed dislike with this country.

    Our government is not perfect, nor do I think any rational person would attempt to claim as such, but all in all I'd say it has accomplished more then many thought it would.  

    After all America was the first country to ever pass control from one group to another without shedding blood.  The rest of the world took pages out of our book after a while.  Think of how "up-tight" the entire modern world was back in the late 18th century, and how much the modern world in general has opened up in today's society.

    Your life may not be perfect, nor should anyone's be, but this country has established and helped promote what I assume you at least find a comfortable life style.  Think about your life, really think about it, and realize how good you have it in this country.

    Now do I think that our progession may have slowed, and the beauracracy that has developed slows quick processes that should be made, of course.  But that's how anything goes, in a circular pattern of sorts, whether it be the economy, development of a cell, or the speed of "progression."  Eventually it'll speed up again, we're probably just missing the person in power to jump start it much the way Teddy Roosevelt did at the beginning of the 20th century.

    I understand, and agree with you, that DOMA is openly a violation of our own laws and should obviously be repealed, and I also think we both know it will be in time.  Each generation tends to be more and more tolerant then the last, and as people come to their senses it's only a matter of time before a politician can put the steps in place to have it repealed without fear of losing their current position.

    I guess my whole point is to attempt to display to you how quickly, in terms of humanity, our country has sprung forth and progressed, including in social and civic matters.  

  3. One of the major benefical results from the Civil  War was determining where sovereignty lay in the United States.  I don't see this issue being revisited.

    I don't think giving the Republicans would solve anything.  As a Texas resident I would hate to have to leave just because I am not in agreement with Republicans.  Its better to stqy here, hold government accountable and  change things.  

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