
We both have hazel eyes what is the probability that our baby will have the same or a different color than us

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if its different will it just be brown eyes, although sometimes my moms and my eyes seem to look green but i dont have any blue or actual green eyed people in my family(aunts, uncles, cousins, sisters, or grandparents)




  1. they will most likely be hazel too. although they could get a color of one of your parents. say your mom has hazel eyes and your dad has is possible that he could get blue eyes even though both u and ur husband have hazel eyes

  2. probability says 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4.that is there is a chance of 1 in 4 that ur son will have hazel eyes.

  3. That's a hard question. You can't just multiply the probabilities. In genetics there are ideas such and dominant and recessive, but I believe that Hazel should be dominant, as darker colours are, and a colour such as blue would be recessive.

    So how this works is that if you have two dominants together, the dominant will show, obviously. Speaking in colloquial terms if the male gave a recessive blue, and the female gave the dominant hazel, the baby's eyes would still be hazel. But if both the male and female matched up with the recessive gene then the baby's eye colour would be blue.

    Its all probablity, but just not multiplying through like the person above suggested.

    Another idea to understand is that even though none of your relatives have blue or green coloured eyes, they could still carry the recessive marker, which as I explained above would be overshadowed by the dominant colour of black or brown.

    Most probably your kid will have hazel or brown eyes, but there is a possibility though minute that he/she might have blue or green eyes.

  4. probably brown eyes and one of ur kids will have hazel but not the first

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