
We can't fathom the beginning and end of time. Do you think we really exist.?

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Or that we are just a product on a production line, dictated to by nature. You know we don't choose to eat, we don't choose to procreate. Also we are unable to develope a feeling of what is good without feeling what is bad, the level of which differs from person to person. Nature won't allow us to be happy for too long which seems to be an unseen force that drives us to advance and succeed at the demise of the next man. It won't allow us to escape from trouble, this is why i think some humans have no choice other than too perpetually, accentuate their learned behavior. It's nature keeping us on our toes. Nature is why females walk and talk before boys, The male being the aggressor and why females slow down at a later age, so that they can be caught by the males to procreate with. Just who is in charge here.?

As we are gods to our children. Do you think that it is nature who are our real parents and not these theological religions.?




  1. Unless you want to define "existence" in a sneaky way (i.e. that which is permanent, unchanging), I'm going to say that we do, given my perceptions of myself and my world and the absence of evidence to the contrary.

    While I'm not religious in any way, I disagree with much of the rest of your argument:

    1.) We certainly can choose between procreating or not, and some choose to not eat as well.

    2.) Even in the absence of religion, the pleasure/pain principle would take over for what is good and bad.

    3.) You say Nature won't allow us to be happy for too long, but I disagree on the basis that Nature is not a conscious being that takes action against those who are too happy.  Also, it is not the case that every man seeks to advance and succeed through the destruction of another.

    4.) These general "rules" you bring up of what males and females are are not absolute; there are exceptions.  Similarly, giving a "purpose" to certain biological statuses is absurd, since our social environment influences us to think and act outside of what our bodies might "naturally" want.

    Who is in charge?  Both genetics and environment.  I'm not sure I accept genuine free will, but clearly we are not bound to Nature to the extent you believe.

  2. sure we do....the end is when we stop breathing.. unless we repent

  3. ..."do we really exist?" is a very different question from "does God exist?" And "does God exist?" is a very different question from "did evolution play a role in shaping our behavior?" I am confused by your question.

  4. Sometimes we are so stupid as a species that I wonder if we are just a videogame the angels are playing.

  5. Avarice, maybe you should take a class or two in philosophy at your local college and you will maybe be able to answer your questions, such as they are.



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