
We can't get anyone to come to our party....?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike we created this huge list (17) of misfits at our school - all of different ages (7th -11th grade). Is that pathetic? Since all of them are outcasts (and unsocial) how should we keep it fun? We already planned to serve weird food. My friend also suggested we watch cartoon porno. What else can we do. What would be something cool. All the none-loners in our classes just wander on the streets; how would a band of 17 misfits wandering around the streets. The budget is under ten bucks (couting food). The will stay from 9 - 2. Is poker okay? And what kind of alcohol is festive but not formal and "fun" but not a drunk's fav? Oh, and this whole party is a scheme to get people to join a Good-Deed club that we made to make up for our lack of sport participation for college.




  1. get them to bring there grand parents and bring a bingo set also get a kidi pool and have a geekiest kid award  

  2. that sounds lame, just have a normal party dont intentionally invite weird people, nobody will come if you do that

    and dont plan ahead, just let people show up and see what happens

  3. You probably shouldn't serve alcohol since there will be kids 16 and under there.  

  4. Probably because your creepy

  5. For 7th-11th graders? "And what kind of alcohol is festive but not formal and "fun" but not a drunk's fav? " No, No, NO! Are you looking to be doing jail time? Add yourself to the "misfit" list if you are considering that-cause legally you will be incarserated soon. And cartoon prono? Again, not a good idea-how whould their parents feel?

  6. Porno cartoons? Achohall? What kind of an idiot would serve alchol to a 7th grader? Honestly, no wonder no body's going to your party!!!!

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