Our 7 y/o daughter is in first grade, shes struggled all year with behavior, ranging from not listening, hands and not completeing work, and a few other things. Her school marks behavior with a star for a great day, check mark for an o.k. day, and a circle for having to sit in safe seat, and and ! for an all out bad day.
We've tried everything from meeting with the teacher, spanking, grounding, taking things away, awarding for stars, just seems that we have tried everything.
The teacher says she doesn't see her having ADD or ADHD! The teacher recently set home a note wanting to hold our daughter back a grade because she was behind in reading, and felt that could be the problem behind her bevaior, I have gotten her a tutor, and have noticed a great improvement in her reading already, and still her bevaior is not improving...what else can we do!!! HELP