
We can make margarine, But we cant make water?

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How is it that Scientists can make Margarine for a substitute for butter, in which , by the way is only 2 molicules away from plastic, But Scientist can not make water, H2O? would that not solve the worlds problem for water shortages?




  1. Where do you think drinking water comes from?   Mass production for millions of people!   You can't make water out of nothing- still need the H and O just like vegetable oil and hydrogen is needed to make margarine.

  2. water is real easy to make in fact its the by product of many chemical reactions.

    OK take a trip to LA or San Diego, both cities have several desalinization plants do a search, quite simple really pass water through a semi permeable membrane this leaves the salt behind and produces clean drinking water.

  3. First of all it is simple enough to make distilled water. All you need is a reliable heat source on the shoreline with a major ocean. Say a Nuclear Power plant, there is a lot of waste heat to use. Suck in sea water and use waste heat to evaporate it. Use other seawater to cool pipes over trays where the evaporated water can condense and not fall back into the heated sea water. Drain the trays into a catch basin and you have pure H2O. Make as much as you want.

  4. Water shortages? Yo do realise that 72% of the Earth is covered by water right? What, should it be at, 75%?

    edit: Ah, I see. Well, conserve water, drink your spit.

    edit: Turn on your hose.

  5. There is no shortage of water. There is only a shortage of CLEAN water in some of the places where we need it. The ocean has thousands of times more water than we need, but it is salty. After hurricane Katrina, New Orleans ran out of water WHEN IT WAS FLOODED! It was only clean water that was in short supply.

  6. Actually, they can, there's a new invention that condenses the moisture in the air to make water. Believe it or not, the places that are very hot and have water shortages have plenty of moisture in the air. They just drive a big truck loaded with the equipment in it. And they make it work. The amount of water produced in a day is over the amount that can be carried by truck, plane, pipes, or from any other means of transportation.

    The method is simple, if you use a ice cream cone, cover it with fudge on the inside and alittle on the outside, fill it up with ice cream. Stick it in the freezer for a day, thack it out, hold it for ablout ten minutes, water droplets will appear on it. Their method is similar, but their machine is more effective than the ice cream.

    Hope this clears up your question.

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