
We can manipulate most situations??

by  |  earlier

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except love,

is that why love can be really scary?

i hate not having control and hence commiting to something that you really have no control over is hard - like to another person.

is this why commitment is so hard?

even when your a nice person, you can still manipulate things, i think i do that a lot.

what are your opinions on the matter, please share anything?




  1. Depends on your definition of love.

    Actually we can manipulate thoughts and emotions of others.

    Takes all the fun out of life if you do, but you can control everything.

  2. Sometimes you have to make a leap of faith,true love is something that we can't control and makes us susceptible to a broken heart,try to treat others the way you would like to be treated and don't use love as a lever to get your own way.

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