
We can save this planet Peopel!!?

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Stop driving your cars

No gas stoves

No electricity

No mail shipments

Ride Horses and bikes

Grow your own vegetables and food

dont buy manufactured products

Stop buying gas

Plant 100 trees

Dont take planes...walk instead

Come on People we can do it..What do you say!!!




  1. I say that those things aren't destroying our planet and you need to give yourself some time to get off your high before you start spreading your opinions.

  2. I don't think any one person can change the planet, but I think everyone can change their part of it and they way they do things.  

    I am just recently discovering this and I like making these changes and doing my part.

  3. We can't do that because our cities are spread apart in the U.S. The cities are many miles away from each other. But in Japan, the cities are right next to each other. They walk.

  4. Ya,nobody will have any jobs that's a smart idea.lets just kill are selves off so the wold can live in peace.There are no simple solutions.The world is changing not dying and we will adapt

  5. Your methods are a bit extreme, but there are less extreme ways we CAN do what you propose

    1. Calculate your mileage PER SEAT.  the average car has 5 seats.  Yet the average car only has 1.2 passengers!  Carpool! or try this:

    2. I agree with not using a gas stove, they waste too much heat.  Any kitchen I have ever been in with a gas stove was always too darn hot!

    3. The computer is slowly replacing paper as the preferred method of communicating, you might get your wish eventually.  But you'll never get anything from EBay without some method of shipping.  The benefits of reusing balance the negative of shipping.

    4. I do ride a bike, horses are more expensive than cars!

    5. I do a little growing, mostly spices and sometimes some tomatoes and peppers

    6. PETA won't like that!

    7. When there is a viable alternative to gas I'll be the first in line.

    8. Trees do not make a forest.  There is a complex relationship among the plants, animals, insects and even fungus.  Just planting trees doesn't replace the entire ecosystem.  But at least it is a start, better than doing nothing.

    9. Are you saying you can walk on water?  Better be careful, the last man who did that was crucified.  Actually a plane is about the same as a car on a PER SEAT basis (550 seat 747 versus 5 seat sedan).  A commuter train (using the GO train as an example, see link) carries about 1500 passengers in double decker rail cars and get 5X the mileage PER SEAT of a plane or a car.  "Dont take planes...[take trains instead]"

  6. And you won't believe what I saw today,, a car went by me going.."boom, boom, boom" on and it must be propelled by low sound cool huh..

  7. No cars, no gas stoves,o.k.,,no electricity, no A/C in summer in Florida, no....ride horses and bikes, get run over..stop buying gas put people out of business, no job so they either steal or go on welfare or unemployment so we pay them anyway taxes,trees are good. More bears to climb them...No planes, walk and again get hit or picked up and raped by crazy people....Good Luck

  8. Slow down there before you hurt yourself!. While some of those things you said are great, like no gas stoves, planting trees, ride bikes, walking, and growing your own vegetables are great and more people should do these things (good for your bank statement, health, and the environment) we don't have to stop using all of our modern conveniences. To find out other practical ways to reduce your impact got to and

  9. Here's a little tidbit of information...we humans can pollute our whole lives and guess what? The earth will still be here long after we're dead and gone. Mom Nature takes care of herself quite well. Nothing mankind can do to this planet will ever permanently harm it. Face it, people. That's just how it is.

  10. only in theory unfortunately

    If the whole of America did what you say ,and this will never happen ,people in one village cannot even co.operate ,then there is still the rest of the world ,

    To get the whole world to co operate and be environmentally responsible ,cannot even happen in fiction,let alone come any where near in reality

    rich or middle class people might(in theory only) be persuaded to behave intelligently ,meaning thinking collectively for the good of mankind ,which means protecting Natural resources

    but the might is an ambitious wish judging by the reaction on yahoo answers to these questions

    The poor people will never consider them, immediate survival is their priority not the planets or humanities needs

    i have tried to tel poor Mexican and even middle class Mexicans about Global Warming and they look at me as if i am crazy ,as long as they are not in the middle of a disasters them selves they dont even want to know or care about what happens down the road .

    this is the same all over the world to be concerned is a luxury in real terms

    but ace for your intentions ,if more people did it it would have some effect on local ecology and economics

  11. Everything is right, except electricity, which everyone shall produce by solar batteries and use for his own solar-electric plane and solar-electric car, for his phone and Internet.

  12. Little house on the prairie?Yes WE can......thanks for 2.

  13. I have some better ideas.

    Build nuclear power plants while shutting down every fossil fuel fired power plant.

    Build nuclear desalinisation plants.

    Build nuclear synthetic fuel plants.

    Start planting more Genetically Modified crops and move to No Till farming.

    Use research on Sequestration to take the extra CO2 we've added to the atmosphere out and reverse the temperature rise.

    And if there's money left over install Personal Rapid Transit.

    There, that would prevent things from getting worse and actually reverse the problem without even affecting our standard of living.

    I'll agree with no gas stoves though, we should just use electricity.

  14. Iam doing most of those things and no problems at all, in fact just planting 100 trees, walking/biking most of times. Buy less gas and we will see a sudden reduction in pollution.

    If every human starts contributing in a small way then we all can live a happy clean life.

    Tell that to those celebrities who do nothing but party around and spend obnoxious amount of money on their ego trips everywhere.

  15. A lot of issues just attract nutty people who stay with it until they become bored or have to get a job.  Your suggestions are goofy enough.  No one is going to do those things on any grand scale and if you have a job you cannot stop driving.  I like the one about don't take planes, walk instead.  That would be like "I spent the first two years on the job walking to the LA office and when I got there they have moved to Miami, got new shoes going to walk to work again".  We can do a lot to reduce emissions and pollution but radical suggestions don't work because most of us are not radical and aren't into the whole lib/conser radicalism.  We could increase the use of mass transit (electric train/trolleys), demand that the Dems in Congress enforce the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts that they have been waiving for the last 25 years, to help clean the air and streams.  A lot of pollution is preventable and there are jobs in working on clean emissions as in smoke stacks.  There has been technology for cleaner smoke stack emissions but it costs more so companies get unions to get Senators like Byrd and Rockefeller to grant waivers to clean air to prop up the coal industry for miner votes.  There is no clean political party (and the Dems are the dirtiest because they have been propping up dirty industry for 30 years) but as individuals you can be little more greener without being crazy.

  16. OK you go first.

    Start by turning off your computer.

  17. ya you must be Amish

  18. I don't drive a car. I don't cook at home. I only use electricity when I am present; I even turn off the power strip when I leave home. I hardly ever use the mail; that's what email is for. I wish I had a bike, but I settle for walking since I live in the city. I don't grow my own vegetables, but I am a vegetarian, which greatly helps the environmental effort. I hardly buy anything, period. I don't buy gas. Give me 100 seeds and I'll plant them. And I don't take planes, period... I'll be taking a train. Aside from the things you forgot to mention, like recycling, I do that, too... And is it difficult? Not at all. I live in the city, where there is no excuse to have a car when public transportation is readily available if something is out of walking distance.

  19. Great.  We'll all be dead anyway.

  20. I say it can never happen.

    All those stuff are intuned with us, and taking all that away is basically taking away humans.

  21. o0o0hh,,,gUsh,it will never be happen..everything you menti0ned,,is just like a bird become chicken without cooking...s0 nayways,,,thats a nice idea,,,you are really environmental lover,,s0 keep it up,,im glad that y0u are concern that happenings to your surrounding,,anyways,,im a filapina girl,,a 100%,i thought you dont know how to speak filipino,coz u stated it on english.,.so i stated mine too...take care..

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