
We can use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems that involve right triangles?

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Provide an example of a day-to-day situation that involves right triangles and the use of the theorem.




  1. There are two buildings that are linked by the wires.Pyhagorean theorem must have a right-angled triangle to find the length of each side.

  2. How long should your ladder be if you want to reach a window 6m high but are only able to place the bottom of your ladder 2 meters from the wall.


    length of ladder^2= 6^2+2^2

    length of ladder= sqrt(40)

    I'm not sure if this is day to day but maybe you left your keys in your appartment. :)

  3. you need a ladder to reach the top of a wall that is 12 ft tall, but due to bushes, you can only get 7 ft close.  you can use the pythagorean theorem to get the minimum length of ladder needed.

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