the same society which is maintained partly by waging war. I mean to say that everything seems to be connected directly or indirectly through other causes. The smallest event or action seems to have an effect on the collective whole.
So our society, our modes of life, work, relationships, everything, is an outcome of even the smallest parts in our society, as well as the bigger parts. War is a manifestation of ourselves, our lives and is a basic element to how our society is structured.
So by supporting ones society, one supports wars as well and anything else which makes up or society – e.g. Laws, police, education, cultural norms, etc.
Example: If you were to completely remove the military from your country, with all of its funding, and all that which surrounds having a military like wars being fought with all of the pro’s and con’s which follow – How would your country then look like? E.g. How would it affect the economy of the country?
Now if there were no longer a military that would naturally affect other elements which are connected to the military, like the weapon industry. And in turn that would effect something else, and that would effect something, so forth and so on. That would effect our everyday lives, how our society is structured and our patterns of life. (now it is an idea so I do not have detailed examples)
My question: If I am incorrect, please correct me.
Should one then not take full responsibility for ones chosen lifestyle, and so one should live this lifestyle 100% and not half way?
Not living off of society, benefiting what ones likes and discarding or ignoring the ‘ugly’ aspects, where military and war are a part of shaping ones society and thus everyday life.
One can not possibly be happy, educate himself, work, raise a family and benefit from society and at the same time despise or protest against wars waged by our country, which again shape our country.
Should one not, if he accepts living within society support it 100%, including its ’ugly’ parts?
If one despises or does not support war one should also at the same time not live within society. At least not ours, where war and military plays a major role. If one can find a society in which war is not an element of it, then to be anti-war would not be hypocrisy, there would be no contradiction. But for most people, it seems live a half life and are cowards because they do not take their ideas and words and live it to its fullest. They are fearful to live their own feeling and ideas to there full conclusion and also too fearful to be a full member of contemporary society.
This is my question, should one not live fully by his words and take full responsibility for there consequences? In this case it would be living an existence where war and military is not a reality. And the consequence for ones actions and beliefs is for oneself to find out and live through.
Is it not hypocritical to live otherwise?
Even if it is just for ones own honor and dignity.
Please correct me if I am wrong and sorry for the length.
sorry, English is not my native tongue.