
We decided to be just friends but he ignores me? Is he hurt or does he just not care?

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My best guy friend (for ten years) and I ended up sparking chemistry and slept together for four months. He started dragging his feet about a relaitonship saying his ex messed up his head and I heard he liked another girl and was still trying to impress her (she HATES him) so I broke up with him. We hung out once and he was talking about this girl who cries about her x to him. He was like "She's soo gorgeous." He tried to come back after a month saying he was just confused about the way he felt about me and I said no to s*x with him because we agreed to be just friends. He doesn't talk to me anymore and didnt want to tell me that the girl he went out in a group and a girl he likes was there. I told him he doesnt have to lie about it because I understand that were just friends. WHy doesnt he want to call or see me as a friend? Does he just not care or think about me because we already had s*x or does he hate me for not wanting to have s*x with him anymore?




  1. hes hurt he wants to b more then just friends

  2. i had the same prob as u

    i think his eather just mad bout the fact that u guys were friends for so long

    then u broke up with him

    nd now dont want anythin more then just friends

    like u wont sleep with him

    ot anythin

    it hurts nd i personally missed him

    but thats how it is

    answer mine?

  3. I would say that sleeping together was probably the worst idea for you two. After being close friends for that long...fooling around one time could end it for you. The fact is, you've changed the relationship by having s*x with him. You are both looking at each other in different ways. It will not go back to quite the way it was before.

    If you are actually interested in a relationship with him, then tell him so and give him what you feel is a reasonable time frame to figure it out. At the end of time, ask him again. If he can't come up with a straight answer, move on.

    I'm sure that sounds a bit harsh since he's a good friend and all, but let's face it. You are not longer "just friends" in the way you used to be. You almost have to treat it like you would with a guy who you weren't friends with before.  

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