
We desperately need plans for a basic rabbit hutch!

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Our doe is due to give birth in a few weeks and we need a simple one that is off the ground (on legs) and is made of wood and wire.

Can't find one in our price range so Hubby is willing to build one and we need it ASAP!

He has plenty of materials, but just needs a plan that includes measurements and diagrams.

Please help!





    has MANY links to build rabbit hutches. i would highly recomend a nesting area for your mom rabbit, with no wires, so the baby's won't get nicked (rabbits have verry thin skin). You should lay hay in the box to and the mother will also pick off her fur to make a bed. I have nesting boxes, and they are all wood. I built them separebly, but by rabbits also use the cubbies in there cage for nesting. make sure the nesting are is not TOO big. and i would defintley suggest you immediatley do some research on what to feed the mom rabbit, and caring for her and her babies. by 4 months they can inbreed.

    good luck, and try not to breed rabits unless you know exaclty what your doing...

  2. Here

    And please have your rabbits neutered and stop breeding:

  3. I'm going to assume you have outdoor rabbits. We always hung rows of standard wire cages under the eaves of our barn - they were about 3' up in the air and easy to reach to clean/ feed.

    There are many ways to go about it ... one of the more interesting sites I know of that might inspire your imagination is: ... go to "Housing."

    I made a cage after lots of time with bunnys un exercise pens. I just made a frame, stapled wire mesh on, and used piano hinge for the door/ gate. Easy - just make sure you use as fine a wire mesh as possible for the floor and provide a piece of carpet, too. Or biring them in and put them in an ex-pen - it's easy!  

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