
We didn't go all the way, but i'm late?

by  |  earlier

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If he 'came' but wasn't inside me...but on top of me and very close...i couldnt' be pregnant could i? please say no!!!




  1. There is always a possibility with unprotected s*x.  Take a test.  If you are not then use protection next time.  Demand it.  

  2. You could be, because sperm can i don't wanna say swim, but they can somehow get down there. My health teacher taught me that.

  3. Theres no chance your pregnant so relax.

    Sperm die once they hit the air


    You're not pregnant.

  4. If you had sexual intercourse with him & he pulled out to come on top of you, then yes there is a chance you are pregnant.  

    If you were not having sexual intercourse but he came on you, close to your area for some reason then chances are you are not pregnant.  I would go get a pregnancy test if I were you.

    Good Luck!

  5. was he inside you without a condom on? you do realize pre c@m has more sperm in it then what comes out when he actually hits his could very well be pregnant

  6. well you could be...nah, youre not!

  7. Yes you could.

    A man releases a lot of little dribbles before he gives the mighty shot.

    Pre-*** or not, it is still ***.

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