
We don't allow racism or misogyny to be taught in university campuses...

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... so why continue to allow the teaching of feminsm? If you don't yet realize how anti-male feminism is then please check out this website:

So why do we allow anti-male ideology to be taught to students?




  1. When professors teach hatred of any kind, the students are the ones to speak up against it. It's in their hands. If there has ever been a misandrist professor in our Women's Studies department, we haven't heard anything of it.

  2. Jim, there are 1001 websites on the web knocking religion, feminism, socialism, and a dozen other movements. They don't represent all voices.

    This is a freewebs site for goodness sakes! And it looks and reads suspiciously like your own work.

  3. I agree totally.History of woman should be taught though.

  4. Racism and gender-based "studies" like feminism should have no place in education.

    And they should certainly not be financed out of the public purse. There are deserving causes to spend our money on.

    EDIT: I see that Crouching Doggy's excellent answer has been deleted. It's always the way. The most perceptive and constructive answers get too close to the truth.

    EDIT: Rio, you've NEVER heard of misandrist teachers? I find that hard to swallow.


    A message to report monkeys: Yahoo has re-instated my wrongly-deleted questions and assured me that "the people who reported your questions will have less influence when reporting in the future." You have blotted your copybooks so be warned.

  5. Historically feminism was needed to protect women, pass laws to give them equal rights and to shock men out of their stupor.  Third World nations still need to protect their women.  

    Feminism, like many isms in order to survive* has morphed into a movement of Superiority for women.  

    The problem comes when laws are passed and treat men guilty before they are proven innocent.**  As to why it's still taught, that is because it hides under the guise of "just wanting equality."  

    That and it's a Cash Cow.  Breaking up families provides jobs, lawyers fees, doctor visits, RX prescriptions, Realtors, seperate energy bills, telephone, etc.  Feminism has become one of the largest economic driving factors.  And in a time of economic recession, so what if a few million men and boys suffer?

    Another thing to note, is that ALL PRESIDENTS and leaders, during times of economic distress, focus on an international agenda.***  Hence the save the third world women becomes a reality for many.  It focuses attention on something outside of their country.  What politician wouldn't love that!

    Today's feminists have gone far beyond the 1960's feminists probably ever could of imagined.  Within their grasp, modern feminists are on the march to redesign not only Western Civilization, but the world.

    The most sinister part of it all, is that wherever today's extreme feminists and their unfair laws go, social chaos follows.  The easiest way to conquer a country is from having inside spies.**** <something like that.>  

    So we can gather feminism is still taught to a) create jobs for women, b) create $ for lawyers, judges c) is a cash cow

    d) focuses attention outside the country e) creates social chaos which makes it easier to govern a country (concentration of power via individual ethnic groups gets busted up.)

    Well I'm starting to ramble but you get the gesture.  Feminism is still needed to protect women.  However the laws it creates are unfair to men.  If feminism can move beyond being unfair to men, it can become a Global power without having to force men to obey unfair, sexist laws.

    Barring that, then it has become just another totalitarian movement bent on wreaking social havoc for the benefit of it's "superior" followers.

    The unknown is who is really behind this.

    As the Art of War notes "when 2 fight, a 3rd watches."

  6. I think history of the development of both genders should be taugh - its quite interesting - and remarkably seperate from history which focuses on completely diffrent areas.

    Feminism I dont think should be taught in education - its a political movement amoung other things. The labour party/conservatives/liberals etc would go nuts if one of the other parties starting doing that.

  7. Doodle - I thank you so much, you are always trying to bring the information the issues

    Much appreciated

    There is little that will change straight away, but all of their efforts with this always backfires

    When the economy suffers, you'll se this!

    We have seen this in other areas such as research and development where lots of useless degrees means ‘little’

  8. I don't see why we can't just teach history like it really was.  Rather than having one thing that happed at one set time, why don't we address the many things that were going on during that time and how they correlate with one another.  That would be much more educationally beneficial than breaking down history into every possible demographic.  As if each one is segregated and not effected by others.

  9. Have you looked at the fall schedule of classes ?

  10. Not only is feminism being taught in colleges, but to be more precise, misandry is being taught in colleges.

  11. I agree with you like always. Those feminist on her tried to have my account deleted. But I'm back!!

    -Dannuele is back and still s**y!

  12. Egalitarianism should be thaught in schools and universities.

  13. All ideologies should be taught from a neutral viewpoint - Women's Studies does seem to be the only area to which this doesn't apply. I think the history of gender relations, and modern gender issues, is a very interesting subject and people could learn a lot from a degree course along those lines. Feminism could be studied from a neutral perspective, looking at the negative effects along with the positive. That would be much fairer, and more educational.

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