
We don't need evolution to prove religion is nonsense, we just have to admit that "Who made God?" can't be an-

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swered. Incidentally, here is an explanation showing why evolution must happen, but don't quote it to disprove God. It is already too obvious that God is a rumor, at best.

Humans are apes, a product of evolution, descended from other, earlier apes. Our closest relatives are chimpanzees, and the most recent common ancestor of both humans and chimpanzees was approximately 6 million years ago.

The way to understand our origins is to remember that living organisms are in a state of constant change - It's not that evolution *can* occur, but that it *must* occur, simply because there is no mechanism in living organisms to ensure perfect, flawless reproduction for ever.

Suppose you could study a population of chimpanzees in the jungle, on a timescale of millions of years. Clearly, each individual only lives a few decades, so the population is constantly being succeeded by individuals which are different from their parents, because reproduction is imperfect - and remember, this is *inevitable*. It can't *not* happen. All the time this population is inter-breeding, the genes are getting mixed together, and only genes which work well with all other chimpanzee genes will tend to get passed down to successive generations (because individuals with genes that don't work well together will tend not to survive and reproduce).

However, suppose that circumstances arise which cause a group to become genetically isolated from other chimpanzees. This could be as a result of an accident of geography (e.g. an impassable river) or breeding preference or simply great distance. There will develop two distinct groups of chimpanzees which can never again exchange genes, because they have become different enough that mating will not produce viable offspring. This is what biologists define as speciation - i.e. the population has forever split into two distinct groups. Biologists have observed many instances of speciation, so there is no doubt that it occurs.

Assuming that both groups continue to survive, it is again *inevitable* that they will diverge genetically - There is no possible way that both groups, isolated and independent from each other, can change in exactly the same ways, and the longer they continue to breed, the more different they will become. Over millions of years, given that the rate of genetic change via mutation tends to remain fairly constant, the two groups will become as distinct as today's chimpanzees and humans are from each other, and from their most recent common ancestor.

All this is based on what we *know* is true - it's not supposition or guesswork, and remember it's not just possible, it absolutely *has* to happen, because there is no mechanism in biology to make reproduction a 100% perfect, flawless process.

NB: The reason we're classed as apes is that there is no valid way to group all the other apes together that doesn't also apply to humans. In other words, whatever criteria you use to define what is an ape, in order to include chimpanzees, gorillas, orangs and gibbons, humans will also fit those criteria. Indeed, chimpanzees are more closely related to humans than to gorillas, and gorillas are more closely related to humans and chimpanzees than they are to orangs, so any classification that separated humans out from those other apes would not make any sense.




  1. *a star for you my friend

    you are dead on correct.

    god was simply invented to control the masses,

    but as far as evolution, i couldnt have said it better myself.

    "YOUR nation is going to h**l for not paying the church gold!"

    Excomunication, bone up on your history before you insult someone trying to break down evolution for the simple minded.

  2. Though you didn't really ask a question, you might enjoy a book entitled, "Where God was Born"...

    There is really no evidence of religion among Homo Sapiens prior to 10,000 years ago, which coincidently is about when farming "took-off", and the successful mutation of Blood Type"A" emerged from Hunter/Gatherer Blood Type"O", which was also at the end of the last Ice Age...

    Without having to rely on Hunting/Gathering, as before, farming communities formed, and for the first known time, humans could store food, in the form of grain, for more than one season.

    Granaries required someone to keep track of the inventory, which is when the "Priest-class" was born. Priests were just scribes, and since less than 1% of the population was literate, their services were highly valued...

    When some of the grain eventually fermented, beer was discovered. People became so grateful that they could store food, and drink beer, that granaries became temples of worship, where early humans would come to celebrate their good fortune. NO known ancient temple, within the last 10,000 years, which has been discovered and subsequently excavated, was NOT originally a grain storage site...

    Therefore all religion, which is at the root based on the wealth of a village, can be traced to man's gratitude for having a surplus of food, drink and money. In fact, the oldest coin ever found had a picture of wheat etched onto it...

    The "God" that created this universe 20 billion years ago, has never re-entered it, except that his "signature" is reflected, in varying degrees, within every living creature that has ever breathed in it...

    Benjamin Franklin had a clue about all this, when he stated, "If church services were held in the tavern, who would not become a believer" & "Beer, is proof that God loves us"...

  3. The belief that there is something other to the universe than what we can immediately see and feel around us is what seperates us from the animals.

    Why God or gods?  I don't know.  But it was the awakening of this knowledge 150,000 years ago that started us on the path we are today.

  4. I'm an atheist, but I see no reason to spend time proving religion to be wrong.  If it can be used to make people treat others better, then I support it all the way.  Personally I can see any number of ways to support evolution, while supporting the existance of a deity.  Due to the translation errors that undoubtably happened when translating ancient text I suspect many parts of the Bible do not say what it was meant to say.  If I can open the mind of a fundamentalist & get them to examine scientific evidence, I don't care if they believe in some mythical deity.

    Religion is neither good nor evil, it takes a human touch to make it either.

  5. are there lots of holes in the evelution theory too?

    not that im against eveloution

  6. its funny that you sound so steadfast in your religion yet your really just justifying you beliefs on a website. If you really the believed what you said you would not try to convert other people into atheists. Sorry but majority says your wrong and i pity you. People like me who know there is a God do not need to justify our opinions online. I pray that you find your way because clearly your lost.

  7. It's obvious there's no god, people are just easily convinced when an authoritive figure tells them something.  This gets passed down to children (parents being the authority) and it continues.

    Heres a good question...

    What if the Aztecs had superior weapons then the Spainards?  They would have conquered all of Europe and we would be worshipping sun gods. deturmines history, and this leads to whatever god people are fighting aobut.

    Think about that one long and hard.

    And I lost your a while ago on the evolution thing.

  8. You believe what you believe

    I believe what I believe

  9. i feel sorry for you =))

    what u said is nonsense

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