
We fight a couple times a this normal?

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My fiance and I get into at least two arguments a month. We always make up but during the fight it's h***! We both say terrible things we don't mean. The fights are usually about insignificant things. Things that are not worth fighting about. We always make up the same day and we don't hold a grudge after wards. I'm just afraid that later on down the road our fights may escalate and get out of control. I've just been looking at this as "I'd rather be fighting with him than not be with him at all." Is our fighting normal? What do you think? Thanks!




  1. People argue that's just a fact and the people you spend the most time with you argue with the most crazy but true just don't get to crazy. :)

  2. It is normal... besides it is much better than bottling it all inside and then exploding later on.

    besides the news had said at one point that fighting was healthy for your heart...

    my hubby and I get in arguments frequently, and it's over stupid things.

    but the makeup s*x is the best part...

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