
We filed for bankruptcy 2 yrs ago. but got our income tax back. so why the delay in our stimulus payment?

by  |  earlier

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most ppl that filed bankruptcy did not receive their income tax. we did because we are paying 100%. we qualify for the stimulus but i checked on the IRS website. it stated there was a delay.




  1. What does bankruptcy have to do with the rebate? There are many reasons for people to not receive the rebate when they thought they would. You do not offer enough info to answer your question.

  2. Are you sure you qualify for a rebate?  did you check IRS website and use the stimulus rebate calculator to verify you qualify and when to expect the rebate if you qualify? there is too many questions to be able to answer your question.

  3. how do you know it's delayed? all the rebate checks have not gone out yet - IRS did mess up with a lot of people's rebates so far

  4. Are you in a chapter 13 bamkruptcy? If so, the IRS Insolvency unit has to determine if you are entitled to the rebate according to the terms of your plan. If you received a refund this year, you should get the rebate as well. But since ths process is manual, not automatic, it takes some time.

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