It's a really little bird, but I don't think it's a baby, maybe a sparrow or something. It was on the sidewalk by our house. I don't know what's wrong with it, but here's what it does. If you have an idea please tell me.
I know it's wings aren't broken, because if there's a noise or something the bird madly flaps it's wings and somehow turns in circles, on it's back. He did this like every 30 secs, then gradually longer between times, and evenutally only like every 2-5 mins. When we try to put uprightimmeditaely turns back onto his back. Is there something wrong with his leg? He moves one but barely moves the other.
When it sleeps it's neck tuck nearly behind itself, or way to the side(if he was human his nose would be touching his armpit) and lies on his back, on his tail. I don't think this is normal.
It's breathing very fast. I think it's really suffering. Does anyone know what we could do to help it?