
We found a dead female blackbird this morning. Are the babies in next door's tree doomed?

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We are looking after next door's house and garden. There was a hubbub in the middle of the night, long before the dawn chorus. We think she flew into next door's large window. I have seen the male blackbird flying out of the next door's tree this afternoon. Would he feed the young? I haven't seen the mother bird so assume it is her that we found dead. It is a very large tree and we are no spring chickens so can't climb it. There is a lot of noise coming from the tree and has been all day.




  1. We have a pair in our garden, the male is extremely tame, I watched them through two broods and he seemed to look after the young better than the mother, when they fledged he brought them to the food and fed them,so as long as he is fit & well I think he'll raise the chicks

  2. The father may try to care for them and may succeed, it depends on the age of the babies.  Keep a close eye on them to see that they are being fed and cared for otherwise you may need to find a wildlife rehabber in your area that will be able to telll you what more you can do.  Also read my profile and follow the links to starlingtalk for more detailed information.

  3. Daddy will stick around and do his job,just going to be more work for him cause the mom and dad usually work as a team.

  4. If the mother is dead (sometimes they just get stunned/knocked out) then the father will continue to care and feed the young.  Thats the good thing about birds is that they take full responsibility for their young, even when their mate is no longer there.

  5. i can't say but it doesn't look good for those chicks. It takes two parents to take care of chicks. The dad may try but i wouldn't count on it. :( so sad

  6. The male will continue to feed as many of the young as he is able, but obviously when he is finding food the young are susceptible to predators - especially rooks/ jackdaws/ magpies.

  7. awww that's sad!!! I do not think the daddy will feed them.  And the babies are probably really hungry!!! You have to find a way to feed them!!!! If they dont get some food quick, then they are doomed.please feed them. Get a ladder or something;please.

  8. the father of the chicks will not feed them. i think it is wise to make a phone call to a local rescue centre or rspca. it might sound silly but its not as these birds dont only need feeding but they need looking after. its a sad story to hear but you are the answer to keep those birds alive. the number to call is 0300 1234 999 this is the cruelty line but they can help you. i think it nice of  you to look for help. brilliant people ***

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