
We get into HORRIABLE fights.?

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Okay so My family and I do not at all get along. We get into a fights every two weeks. I usually end up blaming my sister. And we get into a phycial fight. My parents end up screaming at us. Or my Dad I mean.

And he end up calling me trash and lazy. My mother is going to Collage and is working at night. She's the only one I get along with. She's my best-friend. She's the peace maker. But we live in an apartment. EVERYONE CAN HEAR EVERYTHING. It's emberessing and I don't want to show my face in front of neighboors. I can't go on any longer with these people. How can I make it stop? Is this normal?




  1. It takes 2 to fight. See if the fight continues if you try to be really calm and not argue or have the last word. Sometimes if one person decides to say much, the fight ends much sooner.  Try everything not to let the fight start. Do things on your own that don't make you cross your sister's path.  

  2. What you should do with your family relations problems are sit down with the whole family except the peace maker, your mom. Sit down all together without your mom, and discuss your certain main and general "pet peeves" about each other.Compromise on how you are going to try and avoid getting on each others nerves, then if you need to pull onto a desperate straw, scream at them saying the neighbors will hear!!!

    hope I helped!

  3. No it is not normal typical but not normal try being the peace maker remember your mom is trying to better your life take on an extra chore or two then when he calls you lazy nicely remind him of those chores and say that you are trying maybe sis could to. When your sister starts walk away and tell her I miss mom to try and get along for her

  4. try removing yourself from the situation and calming down/ waiting for the others to calm down. you can also leave the apartment during the fight. don't get involved in these arguments. avoid your sister. and NEVER physically attack another person unless it's for defense reasons in a life threatening situation.

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