
We got a message from Yahoo saying we were selected to receive a new computer. I sthis on the up & up>

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We got a message from Yahoo saying we were selected to receive a new computer. I sthis on the up & up>




  1. It's fraudulent. Do not provide any infomation requested.

    Email address ballot: There is no such thing as a "computer ballot system" or "computer email draw". No one, not even Yahoo has a database of email addresses of the type or magnitude they suggest.

    Report it as Spam and let Yahoo deal with it.

  2. A SCAM...


    Scam is a slang term for a fraud or confidence trick. Phishing is one of the largest Internet related scams. Other scams include advanced fee frauds such as fake lotteries and 419 scams - where individuals are sent notification that they have either won money or will obtain a percentage of a large amount of money belonging to a dead or missing individual sharing the same name. Individuals are tricked in to paying large sums of money to help facilitate the transfer of funds. The term 419 is derived from the number in the Nigerian Penal Code corresponding to this type of fraud.

  3. I have a Nigerian friend who wants to give me a billion dollars!

  4. Scam. Do not be fooled by such mails. Check the email address through which the mail came to you. Forward the mail to Mark a copy to spam@yahoo.coom

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