
We got into a who is right? ?

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My friend Jenni was going to go shopping with me, and I already told her that she couldn't go home at a certain time, because my mom and dad had to do shopping and stuff. She said no, she could come home at any time. I asked if she was sure and she said yes. So then the next day we go and pick her up and drive to the mall. (Which is 1 hour away from our houses.) Then her mom called my cellphone, and asked to talk to Jenni. She told Jenni that she needed to be home by 4:00 because her brother had to go to work. Jenni told her mom that she couldn't be home by 4. She broke down and started to cry. So then we both made a plan where she can go take a taxi home. The taxi company told her that they would drop her off in Bridge Hampton, because Sag harbor would cost 110 dollars, and she only had 75, and that was as hard as he could go. Her mom said that she could go, so Jenni said yes, and she got on the taxi. But then, it turned out the taxi lied, and said that he could only drive her to Patchogue, and somehow she got stuck in the police station. So then her mom couldn't pick her up, and neither could her brother, so she called me, and the police man asked if my dad could pick her up. They said if he didn't he would go to jail. So we went to the police station and picked up Jenni. But before that we had to talk to the police about what happened. He asked if Jenni's mom said yes that she could go on the taxi. We told him, yes, but he said that she said "no," and she LIED! Thats when I started to cry because I thought my dad would go to jail. So it was all up to Jenni. If she said that her mom said no, then my dad would go to jail. But she stuck to the truth, and she that her mom did she yes, and she could go. So then all of us got into the car, and drove home. During the trip Jenni didn't say anything, and didn't even say she was sorry, or thanks for picking me up. My whole family was mad at her. Who is right and who is wrong? Oh yeah and I am 13 and Jenni is 12.




  1. the first place I would never allow my child to go shopping an hour away from home.  What are you both doing with that much money on your to begin with?  Well..I don't know how old you are.....but I am assuming you are young.

    IT is HER MOTHERS FAULT for making her take a taxi in the first place when she didn't have the money.  She could have called the cab company and paid for it over the phone with a credit card...and that would have settled things!  

    I dont' understand the police and saying your dad would go to jail.  Something is fishy on that story...or we are not understanding the facts.  HER mother is responsible for her..not your dad!  They should have called her and made her come to get her.  

    It doesn't matter who lied..the fact is ....HER MOTHER was supposed to be the responsible party.  She gave her permission and tthen changed things and it was up to her to get her daughter home !

    If Jenni lied about being allowed to go to the mall..then it is STILL her mothers responsibility.

    Your family has nothing to do with this.

  2. Wow..But seriously it is wrong to lie and so there for you are correct.  

  3. She was probably quiet all the way home because she was scared of what would happen when she got home. You are right to be a little mad at her, but she just wanted to hang out and everyone makes mistakes in their life. so don't freak. She was trying have a good time with her friends. Explain to her that you are mad and just tell her why! For goodness sake, she is twelve. That's sixth grade! that's too young to understand that what she did was so totally wrong that it hurt people, but old enough to have it explained to her. She knows that she did wrong and she probably wants to make up for it.

  4. I find it unbelievable that your father would have been put into jail since your family is not the responsible party at all. Her mother is. Though your friend lied in the beginning and has started the mess she did fess up in the end and tried making it right. If you do care for her still stay friends but don't plan trips with her unless you get it straight from her mother what is up.

  5. That is so funny.

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