
We have 8 FT employees and 1 supervisor. we are looking to work 4-10 hrs shifts with 3 days off. Help please

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We have 8 FT employees and 1 supervisor. we are looking to work 4-10 hrs shifts with 3 days off. Help please




  1. I need more information, I think.

    Mon through Saturday??  Hours?  

    How many people do you need or is it pretty evenly spread?

    This sounds like a situation at my mom's work and they made it work out as far as I can tell from what she says. There do seem to be problems but not with the schedule, just people with different skill levels.

  2. Work  7 am to 6PM w/ an hour for lunch, ( or 7 to 530 with 1`/2 hr for lunch) Mon thru Thurs.

        If you have to be open 5 days a week,  then promote someone to group leader who will cover for the supervisor when he is off.  Then, people can be given off 1 day a week depending on  seniority.

    Once you go to a 10-4 schedule, you will never want to go back to 5 days a week.

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