
We have a 1yr old daughter and she will not eat solid foods. ?

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She will only eat sweet things like puddings, any ideas please ?




  1. Exactly like your first answer - stop giving her sweet things. When she's hungry and what's available is savoury, she'll soon start eating it. But you are almost certainly gonig to have to put your foot down and be mean for a couple of days first, because unfortunately you've led her to believe that she'll get nothing but sweet stuff. She'll refuse to eat anything - and that's fine. Let her go hungry for a couple of days, it won't hurt her. Don't yell, don't plead, don't bribe. Just tell her that she can't have pudding if she won't eat dinner.

  2. try

    Start with soup


    half boiled egg

    HALF BOILED APPLE/Sweet fruit


    fish/meat in a very small quantity

    bread with honey

  3. She is 12 months! She cannot get them out of the cabinet herself and if you continue to give her sweets it could harm her growth and increase the risk of cavities.

    Eliminate the puddings and substitute with things such as the Gerber toddler snacks. They make veggie puffs, cereal pieces, fruit juice gummies, and so on. It's healthier.  

  4. My son would not eat solids until he was well over 1. It was still difficult to get him to eat things that were a bit hard. It turns out that his teeth hurt him. He had such bad teeth that he had to have crowns put on 7 of his back teeth. (not poor hygiene, just bad genes)

    After the crowns were put on his eating habits improved greatly and he eats almost anything now.

  5. i agree with empresss answer,, stop giving them!

    my 1st born was exactly like that,, at 14months she still gagged on foods other than custards

    my maternal health nurse helped me out,, she came over and showed me how to offer fruits, foods, toast,, how to slice them ect,, even when my daughter gagged she showed me what to do and not to panic

    within a week she was all fixed!, lol

    u need to persist, she will get there with your patience xxxxxxxxxx

  6. Could try mashed yams (sweet potatoes) with a little sugar or honey on them to get her to start on solids then gradually cut back on how much sweetener you add once you have her used to eating them.  I suppose the same thing could go for any solid food you could put a little sugar on without making it yucky. Fresh sweet corn cooked and cut off of the cob tastes like it has sugar on it without adding any if such a thing is available in your area. Other vegetables with a sweet flavor may be appealing to her. Mashed winter squash is good with a little sugar and butter.

  7. make the food attractive to her i.e a smiley face :D

    eat with your child our take her to mother/toddlers where other children will be eating children usually like to do what the others are doing :D  

  8. stop giving her sweet things like puddings

  9. I think you need to stop the puddings and sweets cold turkey. Then she'll venture out of her habit a bit and she'll be happier. My first was like that. I had to cut his treats out. I was so scared he's starve(first baby syndrome) but now he's 17 and strong as an ox!

    Good luck to you,


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