
We have a 2 1/2 year old. Do we have to take her carseat or can she just use a seatbelt in the Grand Caymans?

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We are traveling with a 3 month old and a 2 1/2 year old to the caymans. We are already taking a ton of stuff. A carseat would just be one more thing to haul around. Does anyone know if she has to sit in one or can she just be buckled in?




  1. of course u have to!! its the law !!!!

    jst because ur lazy and have to carry something extra!! that something extra can save ur 2 yr olds life!!! dont b dumb and not bring a carseat because u dont want to carry it!

  2. All passengers in a car in the Caymans must be "suitably restrained" and for a two year old and an infant that means car seats. Even if it were not the law you are endangering your children by not using them. If you are renting a car check with the rental company before you go. They may have the,. And remember, drive on the left.

  3. Generally the law requires a child to be in a carseat until 40 lbs.  Tomorrow, in BC Canada, the law is changing so that a child under 9 years of age must be in a car seat.  That should tell you how important it is.  The child will also not be able to see out the window at that age. I have a 4 yr old and without a carseat, she wouldn't be able to see out.  Your childs safety is not something you should compromise.

  4. At 2 1/2 a carseat is a MUST. By law a child has to be in a carseat/booster for most states at the younges 4 years/40lbs, some states will go up till they are even 8 years old.  Read this website I think you need it. You never want to put a child in danger and that is what you would be doing.

  5. I would definately not take my child out of the carseat unless she is 4 feet tall which im guessing she isn't haha. Those are the laws around here anyways! and all the accidents around here have topped the amount in the past 5 years! There was actually a 2.5 year old boy that was travelling with his parents when a truck pulled out to pass and ran head first into there car. The child is the only survivor now and obv he will never have his parents to grow up with. The parents were not wearing there own seat belts. So to be on the safety side of your daughter i would forget about the being less stuff and just take it! her safety is worth more than a trip to the caymans anyday! have a great trip!

  6. Wow. Yeah, she has to sit in a carseat. Check out some resources on packing light and get rid of the other c**p you're bringing.

  7. Honestly...having to carry a carseat is too much of a hassle for you???  What happens if you get in an accident and something awful happens to your daughter?  If you have too much stuff to haul around, pack lighter.  Put your daughters safety first.

    Sorry if this sounds mean, but I am in disbelief that you would even consider NOT bringing a carseat!!

  8. Are you crazy!?!? "Another thing to haul around" your talking about your child's safety! I cannot believe you even asked this question.

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