
We have a 2yr old chiuahuia that trys to hump our 3yr old schnazher what can i do too stop him?

by Guest31976  |  earlier

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We have a 2yr old chiuahuia that trys to hump our 3yr old schnazher what can i do too stop him?




  1. You didn't indicate whether he's been neutered or not. If not, get him neutered and he'll stop( to a large degree) male dominance behavior. If he has been neutered, I would recomment a loosely rolled newspaper to swat him with when he tries it. The paper shouldn't be big enough or tightly rolled enough to hurt the chihuahua; the rattley noise it makes will generally be enough, along with the little swat, and a firm "NO!"

  2. when both dogs are calm don't make eye contact otherwise they know their getting attention but when they start to fight pull the aggressive one away and in to a different room for about 2 minutes. keep doing this until they have learned to stop.

  3. get the male neutered get the female spayed

  4. Is he neutered?  That could be one option; however, neutering doesn't always work, since humping is more of a dominant or social behavior than anything related to mating.

    You can discourage the behavior by spraying your chihuahua with water when he humps.  Never hit him.

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