
We have a 4 week old kitten that has a cold in its eye what can we do to help it?

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We have a 4 week old kitten that has a cold in its eye what can we do to help it?




  1. Get your kitten to the vet RIGHT NOW!  little cold can kill a small kitten like yours.  what are you doing with a kitten that young anyway

  2. take her to a vet

  3. Didn't you just ask this? I told you already. Take him to the vet as soon as possible or it will rapidly get worse.

  4. Take your kitten to the vet. It could worsen up.

  5. When I got my first kittens they both had eye infections and upper respiratory infections.

    You need to take it to the vet as soon as possible. The vet will give you an ointment to put into its eye to help with the eye infection. This runs about $20 - $30 dollars. They will probably also want to give you an antibiotic to give the kitten. This will run about $10 - $15.

    Another thing that helped my kittens was to go into the bathroom and shut the door. Turn the shower on really hot so it gets the bathroom steamy and just sit in the bathroom with the kitten (not in the shower). The steam will help loosen up the kitten's congestion.

    Also, if it's eyes get stuck shut, get a damp, warm (make sure its not too warm) washcloth and hold it over the kittens eyes for a few seconds until they can be opened.

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