We have a GE Monogram side by side built in ZISB40DM, 48" with dispensor.We are having problems with the compressor heating up and the colling fan to the compressor not going on. Also, when you open the doors (either door) you can feel that the strip between the two sections is quite hot....like something underneath that area is heating up as well. This is on the strip facing you, and the heat runs from top to bottom. It does not feel hot inside either unit.We had a repair person out a couple of years back (this is obviously not the first time) and he jiggled a couple of wires or something up by that compressor fan....seemed to work for awhile. Refrig was installed in Spring of 2004.Any ideas? The temp seems to cycle between ok and warming up (46 for refrig side, 15-17 for freezer side).Thanks.....JAnet