
We have a boat trailer with electric brakes, we don't have them hooked up and today the brakes locked up ??

by  |  earlier

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Not sure why this would happen since nothing hooked up, any suggestions?




  1. Hi, It sounds like you have water in the bearings or brake drum. The bearing may have locked up or the brake shoes have rusted to the brake drum. Just grab a pair of channel locks and pull off the bearing cap. If its rusty inside that may be your problem other wise remove the cotter pin , the axle nut and bearings and pull off the drum. That will show you the problem. Parts should not be over 25 dollars.

  2. most electric brake systems have a sliding hitch that activates the brakes as you stop. check to see if the hitch has stuck in the locked position. undo the hitch from the car and try to move the hitch manually. it should be lubricated periodically.

  3. You SHOULD get an electric brake controller.

    Running without it is unsafe and illegal.

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