
We have a inground swimming pool . water is still cloudy. the levels of chorine and ph are o.k. what to do?

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We have a inground swimming pool . water is still cloudy. the levels of chorine and ph are o.k. what to do?




  1. Make sure your filter is clean and pump basket and skimmer baskets are emptied. Run your pump/filter 24hrs/day. Get your pH down to about 7.2-7.4 and your chlorine up to shock level (at least 11ppm). You should keep it at shock level for at least 2 days. This will require shocking the pool both days. Vacuum your pool to waste if possible but it needs to be vacuumed. If you have clarifier add according to the instructions. Do not over clarify. When your pool clears run your pump 12hrs/day and keep your FC at 3-5ppm to prevent cloudiness and algae.

  2. not sure what to do but if you want to protect it i sugest putting a Cover on it at night TRUST ME!

  3. not sure what to do about it, but to prevent it, put a cover over it every night.

  4. You could try back washing it, and then putting a shock solution in it, if you do put shock in it i suggest you do not go in the pool for about 14 hours.

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