
We have a rabbit with litter of 6 dont know much about rabbits and young need advice and usefull web sites?

by  |  earlier

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mum rabbit was and always been kept in seperate hutch and run from our other rabbit but the other rabbit managed to escape well must be just over a mth ago , didnt even think my rabbit was expecting only found them on sunday, they allready have fur but eyes are not open yet any advice would be good




  1. Try this web site

  2. sell lucky rabbits feet on ebay.  just an idea.

  3. give the mom lots of spinach and keep make sure there is a nesting box and tons of hay for her to make a nest in, make sure they are pretty warm, six is a big litter! i would say do not hold them until they are abput 7 days or  a week, bunnies are prety self sufficient with their young but make sure the mom and dad dont get near each other so that she doesnt get pregnant agian, also make sure you seperate the boys in a few months to prevent another pregancy.  you may want to get her nuitered if you dont wany any more babies because many female bunnies die of ovarian cancer when they are young if you do not. bunnies are so much fun,Good Luck  and God Bless

    try the house rabbit society for more info they may be able to help you

  4. All you have to do is feed and the water the mother rabbit, she'll take care of the rest.  Make sure they are in a safe place, away from dogs and cats, that it... And don't handle the baby rabbits too much, or the mother rabbit will stop taking care of them...  I've raised a lot of rabbits in my life.

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